twenty seven

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After classes were done, both Katsuki and Hiraku were now walking home. They had unconsciously swore that they would walk home together every day from school no matter the time. If the other was late then the other will wait.

"Hey," Hiraku said. She was walking beside an unusually quiet Katsuki, which worried the girl. "Is something wrong, Kat?"

"S' nothing."

"Are you sure?"


"Are you sure you're su—"

"Would you just fcking drop it!?" Katsuki had unintentionally yelled, which stunned Hiraku. He closed his eyes in frustration as he rubbed his face with his palm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you."

Hiraku smiled softly at the boy who had his head hung low. She carefully neared him and gently pulled his hands to hers.

"Hey," she quietly called him. He didn't budge so she used one of her hand to turn his head to face her. "It's okay." She smiled at him warmly, which wiped away the guilty look on the boy's face. "If you don't want to talk about it, then it's okay. I'm just worried about you."

"It's really nothing," the boy replied. He gripped her right hand softly and intertwined their fingers, then proceeded to pull her so they could start walking again. "I'm just a little pissed off."

Hiraku turned to look at Katsuki but he was looking away. "Is it me?" she asked confusingly. Katsuki whipped his head to look at the girl with an 'are you dumb?' look. "Oh my God! Is it because I missed the Hero Race thing Jii-san told me about yesterday? Sht I'm sorry! I really wanted to be there this morning, but I overslept and then I had a bunch of paperworks, because I was procrastinating agai—"



"I'm not pissed at you dummy," he said while pinching her cheek. The girl loudly complained about the pain. Katsuki rolled his eyes when he let her cheek go. "It's that damned Deku."

"Why? What'd he do this time?"

"That damn nerd stole my moves!" he grit his teeth in frustration. "Stupid Deku!"

"Oh! You mean the jumping moves?" Hiraku asked, "Isn't that plagiarism or something?"

Katsuki sighed and said, "Tsk. I don't care about that Deku anymore. I know I'm going to beat him."

They both stopped when they realized they had already arrived at their usual meeting place. Hiraku faced Katsuki again, her hands on his.

"Yeah," Hiraku says, "I know you can beat him, Kat."

"Hah! Of course! I'm amazing!"

Hiraku chuckled which made Katsuki glare at her, but she continued to smile. She looked up, and the two stared at each other's eyes.

"Yeah, you're amazing Kat," she starts, "After all, you're my favorite hero."

Katsuki's eyes widened at the girl's statement, and he could feel his cheeks heating up. She smiled at him and then tiptoed to reach his cheek.

"Goodbye, Kat," she said, "I'll always be proud of you."

After the girl left, Katsuki continued to stand still on the road. One of his hand holding his cheek. Then he smiled. No. He had a huge shit-eating grin on his face.

He couldn't believe the girl had just kissed him. Well, it was on the cheek, but still. He could feel his stomach do cartwheels and his face getting hotter.

"That dummy," he said with a huge grin on his face.

"Doesn't she know she's my favorite hero too?"


(huge timeskip lol)

Time has passed. And less than a week was left before the exams.

"That's not how you do it, Shitty Hair!"


Hiraku snorted as he stared at her two friends.

She was currently with Katsuki and Eijiro inside a fast food restaurant. Her boyfriend had aggressively agreed to tutor their mutual friend and she could see that Eijiro was slowly regretting his decision.

"Don't mind him, Ei. He's just a little hormona—ow! Why're you hitting me?"

"Stop distracting him!" Katsuki exclaimed, a rolled up newspaper on his hand which he used to hit both her and Eijiro. "He won't learn anything if you keep starting conversations with him."

Hiraku pouted and said, "But he won't learn much if you keep hitting him."

Katsuki sighed in frustration as he pinched his nose bridge. He was slowly starting to regret inviting the girl.

"Hey," Eijiro called, "Is something going on between you two? The both of you are acting really suspicious."

"What do you mean, Ei?" Hiraku asked while sipping her milkshake. Katsuki shook his head and continued to review his notes.

"Like are you dating or something?"

"Oh! Yes! We are!"

"What!?" Eijiro exclaimed in shock. Hiraku tilted her head with a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you so shocked?" she asked.

"Yeah, you got a problem with me, Shitty Hair?"

"No," Eijiro says, "I'm just surprised. I thought you two were just friends."

"Stop talking and start studying."

"Okay sorry."

Hiraku laughed at the two again. She always thought that Eijiro was a good friend to Katsuki. And she was happy that he had someone other than her. And their constant bickering was especially entertaining to her.

"I love hanging out with you both."

After a few hours of intense tutoring and constant bickering between the couple, they were finally getting home. The three were now walking toward a bus stop, the couple was accompanying Eijiro. Although Hiraku had to beg Katsuki, who was ready to teleport home because he was too exhausted.

"Uh... Nakahara-san."

"You can just call me Hiraku, Ei."

Eijiro gulped and blushed at the girl's statement. Hiraku was walking in between the two male. Her left hand was intertwined with Katsuki's and her right hand were wrapped around Eijiro's shoulder. The three looked like an odd couple.

"Stop blushing or I'll kill you, Shitty Hair," Katsuki said, his unoccupied hand raised with explosions.

Hiraku rolled her eyes and said, "Just let him be, Kat."

Katsuki groaned as he placed his arm back beside him. Eijiro could only chuckle at the weird couple.

"Why can't we just teleport directly to the damn bus stop..!?" Katsuki exclaimed, annoyance lacing his tone.

"Cuz.. First of all, uh-language, Kat," she unwrapped her hand holding Eijiro to raise it and make a number one sign. Then she made a number two sign and say, "And second of all, I can't teleport to places that I haven't gone to in the first place."

"Woah, so that's the limit of your quirk Nak— i mean, Hiraku."

"What!? That's so lame! And how have you never been to this bus stop? You live around here."

Hiraku deadpanned at the two's very different reactions. She opted to just shake her head and teleport an ice cream to her hand.

"You guys are lame."

"Sorry, Hiraku. That was unmanly of me."

"I'm not lame..! You are!"


Another short chapter sorry. But the next chapter will be a lot more interesting hehe. Just wait you guys, there will be a lot of revelations, I mean like a lot a lot. Neways,

Thank you for reading 💜

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