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Meanwhile in Tatooine Station, a rampaging handbag thief was being apprehended by authorities with Kamui Woods as the first hero on the scene.

Izuku Midoriya stood in the crowds, his eyes filled with amazement seeing all the heroes as Mount Lady finally stopped the villain.

With all the medias attention in front of the new hero, the police force did not look too pleased. But their frowns were turned upside down when a new hero arrived.

"Yo!" Hiraku appeared outside her portal in front of the police, immediately directing the media's attention towards her.


"woah!! it's the top 5!"

"she looks so young!"

"she's back!"

"Hey guys! Need a little help?" She smiled brightly, her full attention towards the police force. They nodded as she quickly created a portal to transport them towards the police station.

"I heard you arrived yesterday! Didn't think you'd do hero work today."

All the officers proceeded towards the portal except one.

"Just felt like you needed a pro today Hiro-san," she grinned as she approached the officer named Hiro, "How are the kids?"

"They're fine. How are you? Got any stronger?" The girl laughed while smacking the officer lightly.

The crowd was in awe seeing the youngest top 5 pro having a light conversation with the strict officer, especially the boy named Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku could not help but look at the pro in awe, seeing as that pro was related to his idol All Might. She was also a strong pro with a great quirk. He quickly blushed as he met her gaze, the pro smiling and winking at him.

Izuku immediately turned around and proceeded to go to school. When he was finally walking in a desolate part of the street, he was shocked to the core when the pro hero appeared in front of him. He almost had a heart attack while the pro only laughed at his expression.


"H-h-hu-huh! As-asra!" He stammered with his words as the pro merely smiled at him.

"Heard you were All Might's biggest fan. Is any of that true?" The boy could only nod with anxiety filling every inch of his body. He could not believe this was happening to him. The youngest pro hero was in front of him, and she was talking casually to him as well, quietly observing his features. "Hmm. Are you going to U.A.?" The boy looked at her in shock confirming the pro's suspicion. "Ne- why do you want to be a hero?"

The boy immediately stopped in his tracks. He looked down as the girl stared at him with a straight face.

"Because I want to be someone like All Might," He muttered under his breath, but the girl heard it loud and clear as she smiled brightly.

"Then I can't wait to see you on top!"

Izuku raised his head to see the hero with her hand up. He gulped as he held back the tears which were already flowing like a waterfall. He did not think that a pro hero would acknowledge him even though she did not even know him.

He quickly took her hand and shook it with a toothed grin as she did the same.



Nighteye was signing some papers when Hiraku arrived with a gleaming smile.

"I love him! He's so adorable!" Nighteye only shook his head in amusement, missing the girl's enthusiastic energy.

"All Might has arrived in Japan."

"Yeah. I know. I'm gonna meet him later, " she said while walking towards the adult. Nighteye nodded with his lips tight. "Aren't you gonna see him?"

"He would not want to see me." The girl smiled sadly as she placed her arms around the adult.

"Where's my breakfast?"

Nighteye chuckled as the girl removed her arms and pouted with her arms crossed. He had always loved her ability to make anyone smile with her childish antics.

Hiraku glanced around the room and when she saw a paper bag on a nearby table, she opened it and saw her breakfast. It was grilled cheese, tomato soup, and an orange juice. She smiled as she ate and thanked him with food filling her mouth.

"Finish your food so you can go and patrol the streets with bubble girl."

"Wuaa! Bubble Girl! I missed he- *cough* achkk *cough*"

Nighteye laughed at the choking girl, only helping her a few seconds later.

After her breakfast, Hiraku went down and met with Bubble Girl as they walked out of the agency to start their patrol. The girls' conversation were filled with smiles and laughter as Hiraku talked animatedly.

While patrolling, onlookers pointed and looked at the newly arrived number 5 hero. Some asked for photographs and autographs, and some made conversations which the girl filled with grins.

When lunch came, Bubble Girl went back to the agency while the girl merely opened a portal and took food from the office and continued patrolling. She stopped two robberies and saved someone from almost getting hit by a motorcycle.

After a few more hours, she went home to spend the remaining hours of the day with her uncle. But she did not expect for everything to turn very chaotic in a span of a few minutes.

It started with one call.

"Jii-san? What? So you're not going to the mall? Where are you? What do you mean there's a slime monster? Should I change to my hero costume? Okay. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Or maybe 2."

Hiraku sighed in annoyance as she quickly changed into her hero costume and changed her appearance as well.

"Stupid Slimey Villain! Ugh!"

As she was muttering and insulting the villain, she suddenly remembered an important part of her vision years ago.

She grinned in delight before screaming, "I'm going to meet Katsuki!!"

She hurriedly teleported on top of the building where her uncle told her to go, but when she arrived he was gone and she could see smoke rising somewhere not far from there. Her frowned returned knowing that Katsuki and other people could be in danger. Her vision had not really been that specific.

She quickly teleported on the street where the commotion was happening and immediately spotted her uncle who had now shrunked into his skinny form.

"Jii-san!" She called him, but she immediately slapped her mouth and sighed in relief when no one noticed her due to the commotion. "What's going on?"

"It's the slime villain that I caught earlier. It got away and now it's holding another kid hostage." All Might looked worried as they heard heroes trying to help. "And I'm at my limit."

"How long has it been? God, that kid must be really tough." She opened a portal on top of the crowd and stuck her head out, but what she saw made her heart stop. It was Katsuki. He was the one being held hostage. She retracted her head as she turned to All Might. "Jii-san you stay here, I'm going to try and help them."

Without another word, the girl teleported in front of the crowd. The other pros lighting up seeing the girl.

"Can someone tell me what is happening?"

Kamui Woods approached the girl as he quickly explained the situation. The girl could only sigh as she turned her head to glance at her uncle. She turned to the other pro heroes again, about to say something when she saw a dark figure pass by them.

"Izuku!?" She yelled seeing the boy running towards Katsuki. She was about to run towards them too but saw her uncle already going first.

All Might grabbed the two boys and let out an ear deafening punch.


It started raining as the girl looked up at the sky with a smile, thinking about how her uncle was still as strong as ever.


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