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Entering the end of november, Class 1A were all hanging out in their dorms. A few hours ago, they learned that Eri would stay inside UA and that they were going to be expecting visitors, so most of them were lounging around the common area.

Katsuki sat beside Kirishima, his arms folded behind his head. He was a bit bored since Hiraku was currently not in the dorms.

After the cultural festival, Hiraku went right back to doing hero work. The only difference was that she had been seeing a therapist.

Everyone was worried and they wanted the young girl to be okay mentally and physically, fortunately, she agreed to go. And now she had to spend two hours every week to talk to her therapist.

Her friends could see that she was doing much better after a few hours with the therapist.

Hiraku had changed and she may never be who she was before, but she was still Hiraku, the number three hero, and their friend.

"Achoo!" Everyone turned to Tokoyami who had just sneezed loudly.

"Do you have a cold?" Uraraka asked, a mug in her hand. "Are you okay?"

"No, No...! I'm fine as ever! Until my mucous membranes decide to give up on me." Tokoyami glanced at everyone who looked at him weirdly.

"What the."

"Is it true what they're saying!? You're starting to have some fans!?" Kaminari interjected excitedly. "Just like Yaoyorozu!"

"Don't make fun of him! It's something to be thankful for!" Yaoyorozu, who sat beside Kaminari, scolded him.

"But you do have quite a few, don't you Tokoyami?" Uraraka smiled, her hands still holding her mug, "After all, you had that internship with Hawks, right? Isn't he close with Nakahara-chan? He must have known you two were friends!"

"Ahhh... I doubt it," Tokoyami replied dully. "That was over before I knew it."

Before any of them could interject, they heard the sound of the door opening. Everyone turned to see who had just arrived.

"Ah! They've arrived, everyone!" Iida told everyone, urging them to go closer to the entrance. "Let's go meet them!"

"With glittering eyes, rock on!"

"With cat paws, we're here to help!"

"Out of nowhere we appear!"

"Cutely, catly, we sting!"


"Pussycats! It's been so long!" Almost all of the class happily greeted the newly-arrived heroes.

Katsuki turned away with a frown, he thought that one of the visitors would be Hiraku, but he was disappointed to see that she was not there.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to protect you back then."

"You don't need to bring up the past," Katsuki quickly replied, going back to his spot on the couch.

He watched everyone interact with the visitors, tuning out some of the conversations since he really did not care that much.

He would rather spend time with Hiraku.

He thought that maybe he could ask her out when she returned or something. He did not want to appear clingy, but he really missed her.

He was only broken out of his thoughts from his friend's sudden exclamation.

"That's the reason! So manly, Wild Wild Pussycats!" Katsuki rolled his eyes at his friend's dramatics.

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