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Hiraku stood in front of the apartment, glancing up with a wince. She would never admit that she was kind of nervous to see Dabi, because the last time they saw each other was when he saw her spying on him.

She was about to turn back when a hand had suddenly grabbed her from behind.

"You better not think about running away, Ku." Hiraku flinched nervously, turning slowly to face Dabi with an awkward smile.

"Tou! I didn't see you there. I was just gonna grab—" she glanced behind her, taking a piece of trash on the ground, "This! It's my lunch!"

"It's already 9pm, dumbass."

Hiraku laughed awkwardly, scratching her neck before saying, "Oh, it's my late lunch haha."

Dabi rolled his eyes at the girl's obvious lies. He grabbed her and slowly dragged her to the apartment.

Once they were inside, he sat on a chair with Hiraku sitting across him. He relaxed on the chair, eyeing Hiraku with a raised brow when she avoided his eyes.

"Do you have something you want to say to me, Ku?"

Dabi almost wanted to laugh when he saw the girl flinch nervously again. He knew that she must have thought that he was mad at her for the last incident involving the number 2 hero.

What Hiraku did not know was that Dabi could never be mad at her. He liked her too much to be mad at her.

Hiraku gulped, muttering, "Uhm— Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad?" he asked with a somewhat forced smile.

"Coz I saw something I shoudn't have seen?" Hiraku pouted, still avoiding Dabi's eyes. "Sorry."

Dabi chuckled humorly, grabbing Hiraku's attention. She turned to him, eyeing him with a confused look. She truly did not know what was going on inside the man's head. She really thought that he was mad at her. That was the reason why she was avoiding him.

Dabi shook his head and said, "I could never be mad at you, dummy."

Hiraku's eyes sparkled as she exclaimed, "Really!?"

Dabi nodded his head, opening his arms so the girl could hug him.


She giggled before jumping to the man's arms with a gleeful smile.

"You're so warm, Tou." Hiraku nuzzled her head on the man's neck.


After spending some time with Dabi, Hiraku decided to go back to her house for awhile. She has not really been back home in weeks, since she usually slept at the dorms.

Both her and All Might has not been inside the house for almost a month, so she was extremely surprised when she saw the man who was standing inside her room.

"What the hell, Keigo? Why're you in my room, you creep?"

Keigo chuckled awkwardly, a gun pointed at him by Hiraku. He slowly raised his arm, placing it on top of Hiraku's gun to lower it down before saying, "Now, now, Azuley. No need for violence."

"You're seriously creepy." Hiraku lowered her gun fully, placing it back in her holster.

She shook her head and pressed a button in her hero uniform to change it back into her UA uniform. She knew she could have changed that function, but she liked her school uniform too much.

Hawks sat on one of Hiraku's comfy chairs and watched the girl go inside her portal and come out in a more casual outfit. Then she proceeded to sit on her bed, facing the bird-man on the couch.

"So what do you need, Keigo?"

"How did you know I needed something from you?"

Hiraku looked at him in irritation and muttered, "Seriously?"

Hawks let out a loud chuckle.

"You literally only come here when you need my help, Goldie," Hiraku stated with a dismissive tone, making the bird-man raise his arms in surrender with another chuckle.

"I want to ask for your help with something." Hiraku raised an eyebrow, unsure on what he needed her help for. "So will you help me?"

"Tsk, of course," she answered with no hesitation.

Hiraku trusted Hawks with her life, so there was no reason for her to doubt him. Whatever he needed her help for, she was going to give it.

"I need you to help me kill someone."

"What the fuck." Hawks' immediate reaction was to laugh loudly in her face, making the girl think that her close friend had gone insane. "Are you serious? Because if you are, I want you to know that I will suppo—"

"I'm kidding, Azuley!" Hawks interrupted the girl's rant, quickly saying, "I would never ask you to do that!''

"You sure?" Hiraku narrowed her eyes at him, a suspicious look evident on her face. "Because I will help you hide the body."

Hawks shook his head amusingly, used to his friend's loyal but weird attitude as he told her, "But what I need your help with is to fake someone's death."

"It's Jeanist isn't it?" Hawks turned to look at the girl in surprise, shaking his head again. He already knew the girl's tendency to be unusually intelligent that it sometimes scared him.

"Will you at least tell me how you came with that conclusion, Azuley?"

"Something's brewing with the League, I can feel it. They've been too quiet which only means one thing," she leaned back into her chair, making herself comfortable, "They're planning something against us. And for you to get their complete trust, you must kill a high ranking hero. And since, you can't really kill Endeavor or me, the next best one is Jeanist." she sighed heavily before finishing with, "I'm right, aren't I?"

Hawks made a mocking ringing sound and said, "Bingo!"

Hiraku sighed again, placing her head on her palms and muttering, "Why you gotta be so reckless, Goldie?"

"I'll be fine, Azuley!" Hawks enthusiastically exclaimed with a thumbs up. "I have you, after all!"

"Yeah, you'll always have me." Hiraku smiled.


I'm sorry if it's short lmao.. I promise yall the next chapters are gonna be really interesting!

Thank you for reading! <3

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