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When Hiraku woke up, the first thing she saw was her ceiling. She blinked, trying to stand up but realizing soon after that she could not move a muscle. She closed her eyes in frustration, knowing why she could not control her body.

She did not have a single serotonin inside her body and now she has lost control of her quirk. She could not even shed a single tear.

She was angry.

Angry at herself, because she knew that if she had only been strong enough then none of her loved ones would be dead. Target would still be alive to take care of her daughter. And Nighteye would still be there for Hiraku.

Hiraku saw him as her father figure, and she loved him very much. There was never a day when Nighteye forgot to prepare her meals. He would always take care of her. Hiraku regretted not spending time with the man more. She regretted ever leaving him alone.

It was all her fault.

Hiraku did not even notice when her tears started falling, and when she finally did, she realized that she could move again. She wiped her tears and stood up. She needed to see Katsuki. He was the only one who could make her feel better.

"Katsuki.. I need to see him.." she mumbled under her breath as she used her quirk to teleport. She did not even care how painful it was, nor how much it made her head ache. She needed to see him.


Katsuki had just gotten home from his privisional license training. He did not even stop to talk to any of his friends, opting to just go straight to his room. He sighed heavily as he closed the door to his room, freezing instantly when he heard a voice.

"Katsuki," Hiraku called out, her voice trembling.

Katsuki turned around, his eyes wide as soon as he laid eyes on his girlfriend. Her eyes were red, her cheeks puffy, and she looked like she had been crying for hours. He could feel his heart broke from the sight.

"He's gone, Kat." Katsuki immediately knew what she was talking about. He did not hesitate to wrap the girl in his arms as she buried her face in his neck. He gently rubbed her back, whispering reassuring words in her ear.

He knew that she must have found out about the death of her father figure. She was hurt more than she had ever been. And Katsuki knew that her grief right now had been nothing like before.

She was devastated. And it showed with how tight she held unto him, how hard she sobbed, and how cold she felt.

She had cried for almost an hour before Katsuki felt her loosening her hold. He took a peek to see that she had fallen asleep in his arms. He gently laid her down on his bed, frowning when he saw how weak and frail she looked.

He could see she had changed her bandages into new ones, making them not as bloody as before, but it did not hide the damage her body has suffered.

She had bruises and cuts covering her whole body, and he could see that she lost a lot of weight.

He neared the girl, carefully getting her hair out of her face as he sat on his bed beside her. He could not help but think that even though she was covered in bruises, she was still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"What am I going to do with you, Hiraku?" he mumbled, looking at her as he placed his cheek on his hand. He felt sorry for her. Hiraku had felt nothing but pain ever since she woke up.

She was in a lot of pain mentally and physically, and yet she was still able to smile at him warmly earlier that morning.


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