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Class 1-A had been practicing nonstop for the next few days. They wanted to 'kill UA with their sound' or something Katsuki had stated. They still attended their classes and whatnot, but that did not stop them from practicing hard after school.

It was just a normal day of practicing.

It was a weekend, so they had started practicing early in the day.

While they were on a break, Kirishima had suddenly called for everyone's attention.

"Did you guys notice something weird with Hiraku lately?" Everyone turned their head to look at Kirishima. He was sitting on a nearby couch, Katsuki and Kaminari each on his side.

"Whattdya mean?" Kaminari asked nonchalantly, leaning on Kirishima a bit.

"I dunno, but something is definitely off," Kirishima responded, looking worried.

"Yeah, Shitty Hair is right," Katsuki stated, making everyone turn their attention to him. "She's being weirder than usual."

Everyone wanted to laugh at the statement, but Katsuki glared at them, challenging them to try and laugh at his girlfriend.

"Yes. There is definitely something wrong with Ku." Shoto looked indifferent but everyone knew he was worried for his 'sister' as well.

"I still don't have a clue what you guys are talking about."

Katsuki rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh and said, "Tsk. Didn't you losers notice how she's being more annoying than usual?"

Everyone, besides Kirishima and Shoto, thought about it and their eyes lit up when they finally noticed.

They had noticed her being more annoying than usual. They even resorted to banning her from practice, because the girl would not stop bothering and teasing them.

"Do you know what's wrong with her, Kacchan?"

"Hey, Icyhot! Do you know where she is right now?" Izuku sweatdropped as Katsuki ignored him and then turned to Shoto who started opening his phone.

"Yeah, she's with my father." Shoto turned his phone to face everyone. They looked at a photo of Endeavor pushing Hiraku's face away from him. It looked like the girl was trying to hug the number one hero.

"Oh! I think I know now!" Everyone turned to Kirishima who continued saying, "Ever since Hiraku started staying here, I don't think she has spent any time alone. She's either clinging to us and Bakubro or she's out clinging to her other hero friends."

Everyone's eyes widened at the statement. Now they know what was wrong with Hiraku. They thought she had attachment issues.

After everything she has been through, it would seem that she developed those issues as a coping mechanism.

"Aww! Now I feel so bad about banning her from practice!" Mina exclaimed, holding her face in horror.

"I even told her to leave me alone! I am a despicable monster!" Iida interjected.

"I don't think Hiraku even knows she's doing it."

They were so complacent on treating Hiraku back to normal that they forgot she had gone through a traumatic event in her life. They should have known that she was not going to get better that easily.

"Father just said she left, so she must be coming home." Shoto closed his phone and turned to face the door. Everyone followed and a few seconds later the door opened.

"Uhmm.. Hi?" Hiraku stood by the door, confused on why everyone's eyes were on her.

"Hey, come here." Hiraku walked toward Katsuki, her eyes glancing toward everyone who had turned away to avoid looking at her.

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