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A month has passed and it was now the UA cultural festival. All the students of Class 1A were behind the stage preparing for their performance.

"Where the heck is Midoriya!?"a frantic Mina exclaimed.

Everyone was running around, preparing, and Mina was beginning to be stressed out because of the missing boy.

"Let's calm down, Mina. I'm sure he'll be here any minute, now."

"Hey, why isn't Hiraku here yet?" Kirishima had asked, turning to face Katsuki.

"Hah! How the hell should I know where that woman is! I'm not her keeper!"

Everyone sweatdropped at Katsuki's reaction. It would seem that the boy was still the same. They had watched outside and saw that people had started to gather inside.

It's only a few minutes more before their performance was going to begin and Class 1A were missing two people.

"Ah! Sorry I'm late!" Hiraku suddenly popped out of her portal in the middle of everyone, almost giving Iida a heart attack since she teleported directly in front of him.

After everyone figured out why she wanted to stick around for their practice, they let her stay and warned her not to distract anyone.

Fortunately the girl was just content to look at everyone, although she annoyed and teased Katsuki from time to time.

"You're wearing your hero costume! Did you do hero work Naka-chan?" Kaminari interjected, eyeing Hiraku's new hero costume.

Some of the class went back to their previous actions, while the bakusquad crowded the girl to ask her where she was.

"Oh yeah, it's nothing, " Hiraku said, shrugging, "there was a robbery and I was the closest hero in the area."

They sweatdropped at the girl's nonchalance, watching her approach her boyfriend who immediately hit her on the head. They grimaced at the couple.

"Are you nervous, babe?" Hiraku asked, trying to hug the boy who was pushing her away with his drumsticks.

"Shut the hell up! I ain't nervous!" Katsuki replied, giving up on pushing the girl as she was now hugging his torso. He turned away, his face heating up from the public display of affection.

"Okay! I'll go find Shota!" Hiraku released him, but not before giving him a brief kiss on the lips and disappearing through her portal.

Katsuki could not even react as he froze on the spot, his face reddening even more.

"Awww! You guys are so sweet, Kacchan!"

"Shut the fuck up, Dunce Face! I'll kill you!"


Hiraku glanced around the crowd, everyone moved out of the way to let the girl pass. They were still amazed with the girl's recovery and survival.

Of course they were most amazed by the fact that she was the youngest pro hero and was supposedly getting the number 3 spot.

"Shota! Yamada!" The two adults immediately turned to the voice, the other one hugging the hero and the other remained on his spot, watching the two.

"Hey, lil kuku! I thought you were performing with them!" Present Mic stated, releasing Hiraku from his hold. Hiraku only shrugged as she proceeded to hug the other man

"Yeah, I really didn't want to practice," Hiraku stated, letting the motionless man go. "Hey, Shota! Did you gain weight?!"

Aizawa ignored the girl and said, "now then.. let's see how it goes."

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