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Meanwhile, Hiraku could see the bus driving away as she struggled to get up.

"Stupid rock!" She kicked the rock as she tried to control her cells so they'd regenerate the ripped skin on her knees. She had scraped her knees when she fell down, but it was now fixed as she healed it. She could feel herself get a bit tired from rapidly enhancing her healing factors. "I better walk."

She started walking, casually looking around at UA. She'd been here before, since Nezu already toured her here. But she still could not help herself from being amazed at the enormous school. After 30 minutes of walking she'd finally caught a glimpse of the USJ. She sighed in relief, seeing that she was nearing her destination.


She squinted her eyes at the sound, seeing a blob that slowly became the body of Iida who was running towards her. He stopped in front of her as he began telling her about what's going on. Her eyes widened at the mention of villains.

"Sh—here." She opened a portal in front of them. "This will lead you right through the entrance of the faculty room." She wanted to go with him so they could teleport all the other with them quickly, but decided against it because she could be too late. Once Iida had passed through her portal safely, she immediately teleported towards the fountain located by the entrance of the USJ.


"Nice punch there. You called it a 'smash'... You a follower of All Might?" She could see the destruction that's been brought upon by the villains. She could see Aizawa lying bloody not far from her and the children in front of a large humanoid bird creature, a pale man with hands covering his face beside them." Well, whatever kid."

Before any of them could hurt Midoriya and his companions, she immediately teleported behind the creature and stabbed its back with her katana, simultaneously pushing it away from the children. She then created a portal below them to teleport them, including Aizawa to the other students who were standing by the entrance.

"Well, if it isn't The Wandering Hero!Asra! The one and only!" The villain laughed mockingly at her as she jumped away from the two. "Killing you would definitely hurt All Might, don't you think?"

The villain taunted her, but she stood her ground and didn't let his words get to her head. Getting angry would only make the situation worse. She assessed her surroundings quickly, seeing the other villains around her, not removing her eyes from the two villains in front of her. When suddenly the humanoid creature quickly advanced toward her, her eyes widened seeing the speed of the creature that were similar to that of her uncle. She immediately dodge it by creating a portal below her that opened right above the creature as she kicked it with her right foot as hard as she could.

She grit her teeth listening to her bones break. She teleported right by the fountain again, her right foot slightly raised as she immediately fixed it.

"Wow! See? Kurogiri, that is how you use portals! The top 5 indeed."

She glared at the man child as the villains ran towards her, she created multiple portals below them that had one destination which was above the man and the creature. The villains immediately started falling, some losing consciousness from the high fall.

The pale man clapped mockingly as he emerged behind the villains unscathed. The creature behind him, which she mused was the one who saved the man, advanced towards her, she tried shooting at it with her gun but to no avail. The creature was almost invincible against her bullets.

The students stared with anticipation at the top 5 hero fighting the creature along with the other remaining villains. They had noticed that she had a similar fighting style with their teacher. They gasped in awe seeing her slice through the creature with her katana and immediately jumping away with caution. But they grimaced seeing the creature heal itself like nothing.

Hiraku was mad. What the hell was that thing!? And why wasn't she making any dents!? She could feel her body get heavier from loss of stamina. Healing bones was very exhausting.

"Isn't it amazing Asra!? This is a nomu! It's basically the weapon that will kill your uncle! So maybe you should give up, cause you won't be able to stop it."

She glared at the man again, the man only laughing as she grit her teeth in anger. She didn't answer the man as she kept on teleporting back and forth as she laid a hit after hit at the Nomu. She couldn't teleport it somewhere else, because it could hurt others. And the places that were abandoned were too far away and she'd be deadweight if she decided to teleport it far away from civilization.

The pale man kept on taunting her, but she knew better than to give in to his tauntings.

"You should have seen my Nomu bash Eraserheads skull. I wonder if he's still alive." She flinched as she got distracted, with the man child finally laying his hands on her. She felt him disintegrating her skin as she glared at him, so she immediately used her quirk to heal it. "Wow! A healing quirk!"

But then she felt the Nomu closing in on them so she immediately kicked the man away as she pulled her decaying arm from him to teleport back to the fountain. She was about to sigh in relief when she suddenly felt pain in her stomach. Blood gushed out of her mouth as she heard the students yelling.


She looked down to see the right side of her stomach was gone.


She could feel herself passing out, but she held onto her last bit of adrenaline and used it to stay upright. She started to divert all her cells fixing small bruises to start closing the much bigger wound, but it wasn't enough so she grabbed a bandage from a small portal and started wrapping herself clumsily. She could see spots appearing in her vision, but she shook her head as she quickly finished wrapping the bandage. She wiped her mouth as she glared at the villain again. The villains eyes widened.

"How cool! She's still standing! Even when her torso is almost gone! A hero indeed!" The villain laughed as she trembled in pain, trying to fix her stance. She will not fall down now. She still had to protect the kids.

The students watched the hero stand abnormally, her right side blown off, blood pooling below her feet. The fountains water now a red color from her blood. Their eyes brimmed with tears seeing the bloodied girl continue to stand, tears falling after realizing that she was just their age. And she was standing her ground against a dozen of villains that their teacher had failed to finish.

Hiraku then jumped towards the Nomu and continued to fight it, while at the same time trying to protect her friends. She hissed when the Nomu had grabbed her stomach before she could teleport, and she sliced it off with a knife. She saw the severed hand of the Nomu clamped on her bloody stomach, she glared at the now regenerated Nomu as she slowly started pulling the severed hand from her stomach. She teleported behind the Nomu, trying to slice its head off but she was suddenly grabbed by the arm, and due to her wound and depleted stamina, she could not dodge quickly so she was thrown back to the fountain. The fountain getting destroyed from the impact.

"Asra!!" Midoriya yelled as he tried to run towards the hero but was immediately stopped by none other than All Might.

"Have no fear for I have come." Everyone's eyes widened in relief as the hero was finally here. "I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach... So I cut the Principal's long story short and decided to come check on you all. I happened upon Young Iida on my way out of the faculty. Thanks to him, I heard the gist of what happened. It's all right now." He turned his head to see his bloody niece slowly stand with her left hand holding her right arm that was badly broken, her eyes never leaving the villains, he thought that she was focusing too much that she hadn't noticed him." For I'm here! "


If anyone was wondering why she couldn't just kill the Nomu by teleporting half of his body away well—Hiraku can't just teleport half of the Nomu's body in order to cut it in half. Her portals are different from Kurogiri's. And her portals work like doors. And like doors, they cannot be closed if something is blocking it. And she cannot teleport it to space too, since she can only teleport to places she's been in. Thank you. ❤️

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