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A few days had passed after their conversation and Hiraku had yet to stop thinking about all of it. She did not even notice the man stopping in front of her, causing her to bump harshly into his back.

"What the heck is going on with you, brat?" Endeavor questioned the girl, almost sounding worried. "You've been spacing out for the last few days. What the hell are you thinking about?"

Hiraku laughed awkwardly, brushing the man's questions with, "Haah.. Don't worry, Oto! I'm just thinking about what to eat for lunch."

Endeavor rolled his eyes, clearly seeing that the girl was thinking about something more. He could always tell whenever she was lying, but he could also tell that whatever she had to hide, she was doing it for a reason.

He trusted her.

Although he would never say that out loud, knowing the girl's tendency to tease him.

"Hmph, just focus on meeting our new interns," he gruffly said, clearly not amused about their new interns.

The two pro heroes were currently standing outside the station, waiting for the new interns to arrive. Hiraku was supposed to be the one to greet them, but she had woken up late.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry," she placed both hands on the side of her head, "I am now in Asra-mode."

Endeavor shook his head, already done with the girl's attitude. He was now questioning his decision on letting the girl be his partner.

Not long after, the three UA students had arrived. Asra was trying her hardest to not jump on her boyfriend and hug him to death. Fortunately, she was a great actress and was in what she called Asra-mode.

She was also purposely hiding behind the large man, completely hidden from the three students' view.

"Welcome to the Endeavor Offices." Endeavor had a smile on his face, but it was quickly replaced by a scowl as he continued to say, "Is that what you expected to hear? Sorry, but I'm not in that kind of mood. I reluctantly gave my permission because Shoto asked me, but!

"I wanted Shoto to come alone!"

"but you did give your permission, so quit complaining." Hiraku covered her mouth, hiding her snickers. She could always count on Shoto in embarrassing his own father.


Katsuki eyed the back of his shaking girlfriend, already knowing she was trying to stop herself from laughing and saying, "I've been thinkin' about this since the License Class, but...

"Dude's a hard-ass."

Hiraku completely lost it as she fell on her back, laughing loudly on the ground while saying, "Pfft, Kat is right!"

"Shoto! Are you truly friends with this boy?!" Endeavor asked Shoto, grabbing the girl on the ground and telling her, "And you! Are you truly in a relationship with this boy?!"

"Well, if it means I can watch the top hero at work, I'll put up with it," Katsuki mumbled, completely ignoring the No.1 hero. "And I love Hiraku, so stop being such a hard-ass."

"I thought I told you two to choose your friends carefully!"

Hiraku shook her head, wiping her tears carefully as she stood beside her boyfriend. She lazily placed an arm around his shoulder and said, "Now, now, you guys. You should stop being mean to Endeavor and start respecting him."

'Tell that to yourself, idiot!'  Everyone, besides Izuku, had thought that.

"Thank you for allowing us to join you!" Izuku exclaimed. "I'll learn all I can!"

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