twenty nine

208 13 1

The two heroes in training, together with the pro hero arrived in the middle of a desolate city. The city looked like a replica of the city of Tokyo.

"The time limit is 30 minutes!" Asra started, Kirishima and Satou listened intently to the hero's words. "Your win condition is either to pin these handcuffs on me, or, alternatively, for either one of you to escape from this stage!"

Kirishima looked around the desolate city, his eyes narrowed at the sight of an exit. He looked back at Asra and said, "Aren't we at a disadvantage, Asra-san?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, Kirishima is right," Satou responded with a nod. "You can just teleport us anywhere you want and we won't be able to do anything."

"Oh!" the two flinched at the hero's sudden outburst. Asra smiled apologetically and said, "I won't be using my teleportation quirk."



"Yeah, and I also have these—" Asra raised her hands to show the compressor weights on her wrists. "They were supposed to weigh half my body weight, but they were a bit lighter to me, so these compressor weights are as heavy as I am. Isn't that cool!?"

The two could only stare at the pro hero in alarm. Although they were intimated by the young pro, knowing about her handicap gave them confidence in winning.

"Neways, this'll be like a real battle, so think of me like a villain," Asra said with a sadistic smile. Kirishima and Satou could not help but shiver slightly in terror as the young pro started to say, "If you can fight and win, that would be awesome. But if you can't then it's totally cool too, if you know, you run and call for backup and stuff.

"Trusting your partner to hold out, while you call for backup is extremely important. It's not cowardly. I even think it's more heroic, yah know. And that doe—"

"Everybody's at their marks, I take it!?" Asra's rambling were interrupted by Recovery girl's voice. Everyone in their respective areas had also stopped to listen. "In that case, now's the time, freshmen of UA high! Let's begin the end-of-term test! Readyyyy... Go!!!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell yall," Asra started, the two looked at her in confusion. "I'm gonna take the both of you down!"

Before any of them could do anything, Asra whipped out her guns and started shooting at the two.

"Don't worry! These will only make you unconscious!" Asra reassured with a maniacal laugh. Kirishima and Satou weren't reassured at all, in fact, they were even more terrified.

Kirishima immediately backed away from the pro hero and hardened his skin while Satou hid behind him, he glanced at Satou and said,"What are we gonna do!?"

"She's going to run out of bullets soon, then we can attack and pin her with the handcuffs!"

"That sounds unmanly but sure, man!"

And not a minute after, just like the two heroes in training had said. Asra had run out of bullets. And now they have their opening. Or so they thought.

"It's not going to be that easy, boys!"

"We're the same age!"

Asra shook her head in amusement as she threw her guns away and unsheathed her katana.

The moment the bullets stopped, the two heroes in training immediately rushed to attack Asra. They made a mistake. And they regret not running away earlier. Turns out, Asra's katana were not decorations. No. They fit her aesthetic, sure. But she was more than a natural in using it.

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