twenty five

245 12 1

Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed when he and Hiraku arrived in front of a large infrastructure.

"Why're we in an animal shelter?" the boy questioned as soon as his eyes landed on the bright sign. It read 'Michi's creatures'. His eyebrows raised at the name.

"Come on," Hiraku said, "Let's go inside!"

Before he could protest, Hiraku had already began pulling him inside the building. Once he was inside, his eyes immediately roamed the cozy room.

The walls were painted with a cozy brown color. The interior aesthetically matching its cozy atmosphere. There was a cozy looking couch in the lobby with a cozy looking coffee table.

Katsuki thought that the lobby looked more like a house than an animal shelter lobby. But what surprised him most was when an old woman approached his girlfriend. The woman quickly embraced the girl with a large smile.



Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed even deeper. He thought that Hiraku's identity was confidential, so why were the people here greeting the girl warmly and enthusiastically?

"Wow," the woman named Setsu said, "Who is this handsome man Hira-chan? Is he your boyfriend?"

Katsuki's face reddened at the girl's response. "Hehe yeah, I'm lucky to have a very handsome boyfriend."

The women giggled as more staff came and greeted them. Everyone smiling at him warmly as well.

"Is it feeding time yet?" Hiraku suddenly asked.

"You can go right now Hira-chan," Setsu said, "I bet they're all excited to see you."

Hiraku embraced the woman again before pulling the boy to another room. Katsuki's face felt really hot, he just realized that Hiraku had been holding his hand the whole time.

"Hey," Katsuki started, "You gonna tell me what the heck's going on?"

They both stopped in front of a door, both stood in front of each other.

"Just let me show you, come on." Hiraku opened the door and tugged him inside. His eyes widened at the sight that captured his attention.

"Heyyyyy! How are youu! I missed youuu! Yeah? Awwww I missed you more!"

The moment the both of them stepped inside the room, everyone occupying it gravitated toward the girl. Katsuki could not help but smile at the sight.

"Come on Katsuki!" she waved him over to her. "Let me introduce you to everyone!"

"You're so annoying," Katsuki muttered under his breath as he approached the girl. Said girl was currently surrounded by puppies, as all the puppies were jumping and kissing the girl. The girl's laugh echoed inside the large room.

The room was very large and it was hologramed to look like a backyard. The floor had a soft grasslike quality and the ceiling looked like the open sky.

He was pulled from his thoughts when a small puppy approached him. It looked like a pomeranian. He glared at the dog, fully expecting it to run away from him. But the puppy only barked happily and wagged his tail as it kept jumping at him.

"Awwww, Katsukiii," Hiraku cooed, "Kiko wants you to carry him."

"So annoying!" He complained as he crouched down to carry the puppy. The puppy immediately licked his face as he grunted in annoyance. He held the puppy away from his face, looking at it with a scowl.


"Awwww you look so cute together Kat!"

Katsuki shook his head and placed the puppy down, but was surprised to see more puppies below.

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