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It was all she saw.

Hiraku did not know whether she was dead.

How would you know if you were dead?

She did not feel any pain and she did not see anything. She was dead, right?

It made her feel sad, knowing she was dead.

There were still a lot of things she wanted to do. Promises that she wanted to keep. She had to see Katsuki again. Her chest tightened at the thought of never seeing the boy again.

She was confused again. She could feel the pain. Why?

Hiraku drifted in and out of nothingness for awhile, when an odd thing happened. She had heard a voice. And it was not even a voice she knew.

It was inaudible, but she was sure that she had never heard it before. Although she did not know what the voice wanted, she tried to understand what it was.

She opened her eyes at the sound, quickly realizing that she was not dead at all. She stood up with a gasp, regretting it instantly once she registered how painful it was.

"Ow ow ow..." Hiraku groaned, laying back down slowly. She glanced around, finally noticing the wide-eyed woman looking at her from a corner. "Uh... Who are you again?"

The woman dropped the basin she was holding as she quickly turned around to call someone, "Dear! The girl is awake!"

Hiraku noticed that the woman was short. She had dark hair and dark eyes, and looked like she was still in her early 30s.

Hiraku tilted her head in confusion and thought, 'What the hell is going on? And where the heck am I?'

Hiraku looked down at herself, noticing how she was not wearing her hero costume anymore. She grimaced looking at the bandages that had covered her body. Hiraku knew from the pain that she had a lot of broken bones, and her cuts were barely stitched. She looked like a mess.

Hiraku knew why her quirk was not working, and it was not because of the quirk drug. The quirk drug's effect had worn off, she could feel it.

She could not use her quirk, because there was not really anything to be happy about. She could feel her tears falling down her face at the thought of her friend, Target.

She could not even keep any of her promises to her. She left the woman's body and now she did not know where she was. All she knew was she had somehow wound up back in Japan, since the woman had spoken in Japanese.

Hiraku quickly wiped her eyes when she heard the sound of footsteps. The woman returned with a tall dark-haired man in tow. He looked to be in his late 30s and he had bright yellow eyes. She deduced that the man was the woman's husband.

"Hello there," the man gently greeted, his smile soft as he looked at the still confused Hiraku. "I'm Shinsuke, and this is my wife Shiro. We found you drifting down the river a few weeks ago."

"We thought you were dead, sweetie." Hiraku furrowed her brows at the woman's words. She thought she was dead too, so how did she get here?

"Where am I?" Hiraku asked, wincing as she rose slowly into a sitting position. Her body felt like it rolled down a mountain, which it probably had.

"You're in Hasetsu." Hiraku's eyebrows rose at the information.

How did she end up in Hasetsu? Did she teleport unconsiously when she was in the brink of death? It was the only answer that Hiraku could think of.

"We really wanted to take you to a hospital, but we were scared that you would die on the way there, since it's far away from here," the man explained, smiling gently at the girl, "Fortunately, my wife's quirk had kept you alive."

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