Part 133

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Maya POV

"Merry Christmas!"

"Hi Happy Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas guys!"

"Buon Natale!"

Everyone greeted one another with hugs and smiles as we arrived at the Station for our Christmas dinner. As expected, Elva ditched Carina and I and headed straight over to Andy.

"Ahh my niña!" Andy grinned, lifting Elvie up and into the air.

"Where's your pretty red Christmas dress?" Andy frowned, glancing over at Carina and I.

"You're kidding right?" I laughed.

"The kid got a Station19 shirt from Santa and you think she's gonna wear a red dress?" I added, rolling my eyes.

"Trust me Andy, I tried my best," Carina said, holding up her hands in defence.

"Wow love the shirt Elva!" Gibson said, seeing Elvie for the first time as he came in.

"It's from Santa," Elva said proudly.

"See Andy, what can you do?" I shrugged.

"I still have sparkly shoes on Andy," Elva pointed out, swinging her feet as Andy held her on her hip.

"You're perfect no matter what you wear princesa," she smiled, kissing her cheek and placing her back on the floor.

"How long until dinner Montgomery?" I asked, pouring a class of wine.

"40 minutes? 30 if your amazing wife helps?" Travis replied, fluttering his eyes at Carina.

"Si si, tell me what needs doing," Carina agreed happily.

"Dinner then presents?" Vic suggested.

"Sounds good," I nodded, taking a seat around the table and refreshing my emails on my phone.

"You're not gonna get an update on Christmas Day," Andy whispered, sitting beside me.

"I know I know," I sighed, praying for any news of Winter.

"Enjoy today with the little girl you've got. For all you know, Winter will be celebrating herself with a loving family," she added.

"Or on her own with nobody to even say merry Christmas to. Or being abused by horrific foster parents. Or out on the streets. Or.,."

"Maya stop," Andy snapped.

"You have zero information. Stop spinning and focus on that baby right there," she said, pointing at Elva who was playing with Vic's hair.

"Fine fine, you're right," I said, giving in and locking my phone.

"Mommy?" Elva asked from across the table.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Are you all working today?" She asked, earning a few laughs.

"Only if a really big emergency comes in bubs," I told her honestly.

"And B shift need backup?" She asked.

"Yeah Elvie, but B shift can handle it today," I laughed awkwardly.

"You been dragging B shift in front of your kid again Bishop?" Gibson laughed.

"She picks up on everything," I shrugged innocently.

"I want to stay all day mommy," she said.

"I want that too El, I'm gonna do my best," I smiled from across the table.

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