Part 116

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Maya POV

"Carina can you talk to me please," I whispered as I drove us into town.

I glanced in the mirror to see that Elva was occupied playing with whatever toy she'd left in the car that week.

I didn't want her thinking Carina and I were arguing.

That was the last thing Elva needed.

Carina sat in the passenger seat, leaning her elbow against the window and staring out away from me.

"Carina," I sighed.

"I'm not mad," she finally said, still looking in the opposite direction.

"Your tone of voice is telling me something different," I said sarcastically.

I heard her take a deep inhale.

"Bellina I'm not mad, I just didn't think you had any problem with Arizona," she said sadly.

"I didn't think I did," I admitted.

"I honestly don't know where that came from. It was like that burning jealous feeling like with Gabriella," I told her honestly.

"Maya you know there's no need for it. I trust you completely, I need you to do the same," she said, finally turning to face me.

I stopped at a red light and turned my own head to look at her.

"I do trust you," I said firmly, not breaking eye contact.

"It doesn't feel like it," she said sadly.

"It's other people I don't trust," I pointed out.

"Maya you're my only love, I don't think twice about what other people think. You and the bambina are the only ones ever on my mind. I don't have time to worry about anyone else because you're all I think about," Carina explained.

"Forget other people bella," she added, reaching to take my hand.

"This love," she began.

"It's ours," I finished, watching a smile appear on her face.

She nodded, squeezing my hand in hers.

"I'm sorry," I said genuinely.

"I know bellina. Me too," she said lovingly.

"Mommy it's green," Elva shouted from the back.

I looked and saw the traffic light had changed.

"Thank you Elvie," I laughed, continuing to drive.

"Are we nearly there mommy?" Elva asked.

Carina turned in her seat to check on her.

"We won't be long bambina. Ten more minutes," she told her.

"Can I take my dress to school for show and tell?" She asked excitedly.

"I don't think so baby," I laughed, seeing her frown in the mirror.

She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

"But Molly and Lola won't be able to see it," she whined.

"You can take in some pictures after the wedding bambina?" Carina suggested.

"Yesss," she smiled, happy with the compromise.

When we eventually arrived, Elva was more than ready to get out of the car. The second I unbuckled her and helped her out the car, she made a head start for the store.

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