Part 18

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Maya POV

As Elva and I made the 15 minute walk back to my apartment, I ran through my head a list of things that needed to be done.

I'd have to clean the whole apartment, make sure there wasn't anything inappropriate lying around like alcohol, give the place a more family feel rather than an adult oriented place.

There was so much to do.

I sent the photo of Elva to Carina, along with a message letting her know the home visit would be tomorrow. She replied telling me she'd try and finish early to come home and help get organised. She also said she'd changed her screensaver to Elva in the truck.

"Maya?" Elva called out.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"Can we slow down?" She asked. I suddenly realised I'd been power walking. Thinking about the home visit had got me all stressed. It must have looked as though I was dragging her down the street.

"I'm sorry bubba, I was in a world of my own there. How's about we give those little legs a rest? Hop on," I smiled.

I lifted her up for a piggy back. We were only two minutes away from home and I carry a lot heavier equipment than Elva.

"Okay lovely girl, let's get a snack before I start cleaning up," I said upon arriving home.

"Cleaning?" She asked all confused.

Shit I hadn't told her.

"Sweetie, Jane's coming tomorrow," I said.

Her face fell.

"Take me?" She said, her bottom lip begging to quiver.

"No no no, she's just coming to have a look at the apartment and make sure it's suitable," I assured her.

She remained quiet.

"I'll be here with you, she'll come take a look around, see how you're doing and maybe ask a few questions ,"

She gave me a little nod.

"Come on let's get a snack," I smiled.

I sorted us both a very light lunch, Elva didn't want to touch it. I was starting to think that whenever she was worried or worked up over something, she'd have trouble eating.

She was in a really good mood this morning and ate her breakfast with no problems at all.

Now she's found out about Jane coming she won't go near food.

"Please just try a little bit for me bub," I encouraged.

She shook her head and looked down at her lap.

"We need to get you big and strong," I told her.

"Carina said if you don't eat you have to have a shake," I warned.

A tear fell from her eye. I stroked my thumb across her cheek.

"Shake it is bubba," I said after a few minutes of her not attempting to eat. I got up to go get it. I turned back round to find she'd ran from the kitchen table.

I found her in the lounge, curled up on the sofa.

It didn't matter where she had it as long as she drank it. Without talking I scooped her up with one arm and sat down with her in my lap.
I switched on the tv as an added distraction and held out the shake for her.
She turned her head sideways and watched the cartoon.

"Bubba you've got to actually put the drink in your mouth," I chuckled.

She shook her head and tried to turn around so she could hide away in my chest.

"Ahh ah ah drink first," I warned.

She turned her head slightly back round, enough for me to push the straw into her mouth.

As was proving a pattern, before she could finish, her eyes closed and she was asleep. I stayed like this with her for a few minutes, just taking in the little girl in my arms. I can't believe in just two days this girl has turned the tough, hard Maya Bishop into one big softie.

A couple of minutes later, I stood up with Elva in my arms. I carried her into her room and placed her gently on her bed. Covering her with a blanket, I took this as an opportunity to make a start on cleaning the apartment. It was already pretty clean but I wanted to go over every nook and cranny.

In reality I wanted to join Elva and take a nap with her but I knew I didn't have time for that.

I got myself changed into gym clothes so I was comfier and began cleaning up. I finished the lunch I made earlier and started in the kitchen. Just over an hour later, Elva found me dusting the book shelves in the lounge. She still looked half asleep and had hold of Bobby.

"Hi bubba, good nap?"

She rubbed her eyes and nodded.

"Help?" She asked.

"You don't have to sweets, you can watch tv," I told her.

"I help," she insisted.

Two hours later, the apartment was looking much better. I'd dusted, vacuumed, tidied.

I still felt like I had so much to do.

I was about to pick up the vacuum again when Carina walked in from work.

"Ciao my girlies," she smiled happily.

Elva got up and ran straight over to her. Carina bent down and scooped her high into the air. I smiled at how excited Elva was to see her. She had still been asleep when Carina left for work this morning.

"That's a nice welcome home bambina," Carina said, kissing Elva on the cheek and settling her on her hip.

"And how's my other bambina?" She asked, walking across the room to greet me.

She planted a kiss on my lips and I melted into it, happy she was home.

"This place looks amazing," she said, looking around the room.

"There's still more to do, I need to lock away the alcohol, Elva's room needs sorting, I've not washed the sofa cushions,,,"

"Wow Maya you're spinning, we'll sort everything," she assured.

She ran her hand up and down my arm.

"But what about.."

She cut me off.

"Okay you need to take a break. Why don't you go for a run, I'll tick some things off your list and stay here with Elva," she suggested.

"But Elva,"

"Like I said, I'm here with Elva, we'll be fine won't we?" She said, gesturing to our girl.

"We'll be fine Maya," she giggled.

"Okay well if you insist," I joked, tickling her little tummy.

"Stop," she laughed, trying to turn and hide in Carina.

I was already in gym clothes so grabbed my headphones and trainers before going for a run. Carina is right, this would help me clear my head.

Authors note

What do you want to happen next???

What should happen with the home visit ???

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