Part 85

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Maya POV

There was a knock at my office door and in walked Andy.

"You off for the night?" I asked, as she looked all ready to leave.

"Yeah, Carina's just messaged. She's going to drop Elva off at my house so you can both get ready for date night," she winked.

"Aww I was hoping to see Elva before we went out," I sulked.

"Calm down mama bear Bishop, I'll send you lots of pictures of me and my niece having fun without you," she replied, playfully winding me up.

"Take care of my baby Herrera," I said, using my hand to shoo her out my office.

"I thought we might go rock climbing without the harnesses," she sarcastically replied.

"Go!" I laughed, throwing a box of tissues at her as it was the nearest thing to me.

"Later Bishop," she called, closing the door behind her.

I smiled and shook my head, dropping my eyes back to the paperwork in front of me.

Ten minutes later, I was beginning to get bored. I raised my gaze to the photo frame to the right of my desk. Picking it up, I stroked my thumb over the picture of Carina and Elva at the beach.

I carried on working for another twenty minutes before messaging Carina to let her know I'd be home shortly.

She replied with a picture of herself in what looked to be a new lingerie set.

*** I'm already excited for date night. Is that new? ***

*** Si bellina, hurry home to christen it ***

I blushed at her response and put my phone away, jumping in my car and making the short drive home.

"Carina I'm home. Let's have dessert before we go to the restaurant, I wanna take a closer look at that underwear," I called out when I walked into our apartment.

No reply came.

I walked through each room in search of her, not finding her anywhere. She must've forgotten something for Elva and had to go drop it off. I looked at my phone to check but there was no message.

I video called Andy to see if she'd heard from Carina.

"Hi baby girl," I smiled when I saw it was Elva who'd answered Andy's phone.

"Hi mommy," she giggled.

"Are you alright little love? Everything okay at Andy's?" I asked her.

"Yes mommy, mama said I can bring my fire truck so we're playing," she explained, clumsily turning the camera to show me Andy laying on the floor.

"Andy have you heard from Carina? She's not home?" I asked her anxiously.

"Why don't you ask your daughter," Andy smirked.

Elva's soft baby face appeared back on screen.

"Elvie?" I asked suspiciously.

"Mama said go look at the chalk board," she said simply.

"What for Elvie?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"I've got to go now mommy. I need to help Auntie Andy put the fire out," she said innocently.

"No Elva wait,"

She'd hung up.

Who taught my seven year old to hang up on her mommy?

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