Part 98

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Maya POV

"Elva baby mommy really needs to get ready, we need to get you to school," I sighed, attempting for the fourth time to place Elva down on the ground.

"No mommy cuddle," she whined, clinging onto me and pulling at my shirt.

I was doing everything I could not to lose my temper.

"Baby we had extra cuddles in bed this morning with mama," I reminded her, trying to pry her arms from around my neck.

"Mommy needs to get dressed Elva," I said firmly.

"Come here bambina, let mommy go," Carina said, saving my ass as she entered the kitchen.

Elva reluctantly let go of me and allowed Carina to take her.

"Let's get you a first day of school babyccino," Carina said calmly, settling the emotional little girl on her hip and taking out the milk.

"Thank you," I mouthed, sneaking off to get changed.

I returned to the kitchen to find Elva sat across Carina's lap, her head resting on her chest while Carina gently whispered to her.

"You're going to have the best day bambina, go put that big brain of yours to work," she said quietly, playing with her hair.

"Scared mama," Elva whimpered, her hand coming back up to hold on to Carina.

I moved across the kitchen to pick up the marker from by the calendar.

"Here princess," I said, kneeling down in front of Carina and Elva.

I took hold of Elva's hand, turning it so her palm reached the ceiling.

"When you're feeling scared, remember that mommy and mama are always here and thinking of you," I said, drawing two little hearts on her wrist.

I brought her wrist to my lips, gently kissing the heart I'd drawn. Carina caught on and did the same, a little smile forming on Elva's face.

"I'm gonna miss you when I'm at school," she frowned sadly.

"You'll get the biggest cuddle when you're home Elvie," I tried to say excitedly, even though I'd miss her too.

"Are you ready bambina?" Carina asked, earning a small nervous nod in return.

We were about to leave when I suddenly remembered something.

"Oooo Elvie wait. We need to take your first day at school picture," I said, taking out my phone.

"Why?" She asked curiously.

"Every year you start school we need to get a new picture to see how grown up you're getting," I explained, flatting her hair slightly.

"Plus your auntie Andy will kill me if I forget. She's already messaged me twice this morning," I smirked.

"Smile bambina," Carina said, standing to one side.

She posed for the picture, even doing one with her hand cheekily on her hip. She looked adorable.

"Take one with your mama," I said, nodding my head for Carina to stand with her.

She moved to crouch down, wrapping her arm around Elva's waist and smiling proudly.

"My two beautiful girls," I grinned.

"And you mommy," Elva instructed.

I turned the camera on the phone around, moving closer so Elva was between Carina and I as the three of us smiled for a selfie.

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