Part 56

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Maya POV

Carina and I had debated whether to explain some of Gabriella's unorthodox comments to Elva or whether to completely disregard the situation and hope Elva never brings it up.

We decided on a half way point and asked Elva whether she had any questions about Gabriella.

A weight was lifted off of the both our shoulders when the only thing she asked was whether she Gabriella had left.

"You know I'm not bothered about her learning all of this stuff eventually right? Just not when she's six," I explained to Carina later that day.

"No I agree with you Maya," she confirmed.

"And you'll know when's the right time to give her the talk," she added.

"Me? You're the expert Dr DeLuca," I laughed.

"With adults maybe but I've never had to give a child the bees and the wasps talk," she said.

I paused for moment in confusion.

"What?" I asked, staring at her blankly.

"You know, the talk you have with teenagers," she tried to explain.

"Oh you mean the birds and the bees," I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Yep, that's the one," she laughed, pulling me that bit closer before kissing me.

The next morning, Carina was up and in work extra early after being paged for a trauma incident.

"Where after school mommy?" Elva asked me as we got closer to her school building.

"Station bub, I think your mama has a busy day ahead," I explained.

"Can I see Andy and Vic?" She asked sweetly.

"Of course! You know you're their favourite little firefighter," I told her.

She smiled happily at my response.

I was about to turn and leave after dropping her off when Miss Thomas shouted me back.

"Morning," she greeted.

"Hi is something wrong?" I asked.

"No not at all, I was wondering if I could ask a favour if you?" She said apprehensively.

"Of course," I nodded.

"Well we've been learning all about first responders and I thought it would be great for the children to get the chance to meet a firefighter and ask their questions. Do you think you could arrange for someone to come in?" She asked.

I thought about it for a moment.

"I can do one better. What about we arrange for a visit to the station. They can come in, have a tour and ask as many questions as they like?" I suggested.

"You'd be able to sort that?" She asked amazed.

"Of course. I'll email you over some dates later today when I've checked my diary and you can sort it on the school side of things," I explained.

"I'm so grateful. Thank you Captain Bishop," she smiled.

"Not at all, I'll be in touch ," I told her, now officially leaving for work.

I checked the schedule as soon as I arrived at work and was able to find a few suitable dates for the class visit and emailed them across to Miss Thomas.

"Aww that will be so cute!" Vic said after me telling the team about Elva's class visit.

"So many kids," Miller sighed.

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