Part 15

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Maya POV

After ringing Andy and filling her in on everything I rang the fire chief of Seattle to request some time off. Only a week or so, I just wanted to be around to settle Elva in properly and prepare for the home visit.

I had a million and one days saved up so taking a week was not a problem at all. In fact, the chief was very supportive.

I also couldn't wait to take Elva to the station to meet everybody properly.

I looked at my watch and realised Carina was later than usual.

The second I had that thought, the front door of the apartment opened and in she walked carrying what looked like 6 bags. 
I looked over at Elva and watched her flinch back as the door opened. I joined her on the sofa. She noticed it was Carina and instantly settled.

"Ciao bambinas," she smiled.

It was nice hearing her greet us both. She put all the bags down, came to kiss me and then leant down to kiss Elva on the top of her head.

"What's all this?" I said, gesturing to the bags.

"I thought I'd hit the shops on the way home and pick up some stuff for our little bambina," she smiled.

"For me?" Elva said.

"Of course," Carina confirmed.

"Shall we take them to your room and have a look?" I asked.

She nodded, climbing off the sofa and following Carina and I to her bedroom. She climbed onto the bed and stared at all the bags in front of her. I don't think she knew where to start.

"Okay okay, you have to see this one, it's so cute," Carina said, pulling a sweet denim dress out of the bag.

It was followed by a few pairs of pyjamas, underwear, tops, skirts, jeans, leggings. Carina had gone to town.
Elva was starting to look a little overwhelmed.

"Why don't you choose some pyjamas and get ready for bed?" I encouraged.

She just stared at all the clothes laid out in front of her.

"I can't decide," she said softly.

"I like these ones," Carina smiled, showing her a pastel striped pair.
Elva nodded.

"You get yourself changed and we'll get all these put away," I told her.

It took us another 15 minutes to get all her new clothes hung up and folded away. When we were done it was time to sort dinner. It was getting later and Elva was getting visibly more tired.

"What do you want for dinner sweetie?" I asked.

She just shook her head at me. In her defence, it was it was getting late, she was probably too tired to eat.

"What about something small?" I tried.

She looked away.

I glanced up at Carina, this parenting thing was hard. I really didn't want to force her, not when she was still getting used to us.

"Bambina, you can either have something small, even just toast. Or, you'll have to have a shake," Carina explained.

Who knew she'd be the tougher parent.

Elva didn't respond.

"Shake?" Carina asked.

Eventually she nodded. Carina went to the fridge to get one of the nutrition shakes out.
She held it out to Elva but she wouldn't take it from her.

"I'll sort our dinner?" I told Carina, not wanting Elva to feel she was outnumbered. From the corner of my eye, I watched Carina scoop her up and sit down at the table with her on her knee. With one arm still around our girl, she opened the shake and held it to Elva's mouth.
Elva turned her head away. I just continued prepping dinner.

"Bambina come on, you know you need to drink it," Carina said gently.

"Tired," Elva cried.

My heart broke hearing her get upset.

"Once you've had this, your tummy will be nice and full and you can get some sleep," she explained.

I watched as Elva turned around into Carina and cried.

"Shhh bella, it'd okay," she soothed.

"Rina?" Elva said through tears.

"Si Bambina?"

"Thank you for the clothes," she cried.

"Shhh bella, it's okay. You're very welcome, I just wanted to make sure you had some things here," Carina told her.

"Never happened before," she said.

"Well it should have," I said, leaving the dinner to cook and joining them at the table.

"You deserve the very best and we're gonna do everything we can to give you that. I know it's all new and strange. But we want you to feel safe and welcome here," I added.

"I like it here," she hiccuped.

"Good because we like having you here," I smiled.

"Now can you drink this for me ?" Carina said.

Elva just smiled and put her head down on Carinas chest. Her hand came up to play with Carinas necklace. Carina tried to hold the shake to her mouth again, this time Elva opened up and allowed Carina to feed her the shake.

Within minutes of finishing the bottle, Elva was fast asleep on Carina.

"You wanna put her down before we eat ?" I asked.

"Si, I think that's a good idea,"

She left the kitchen to go put Elva in bed, returning minutes later to join me.

The last few days had been crazy, it was nice to just sit down with Carina over dinner.

"I knew she was feeling overwhelmed with all the clothes, she went very quiet," I said.

"Hmm she's probably never had that many in one go," Carina added.

"Do you think she'll sleep through the night?" I asked.

"Maybe, but if she wakes up alone then she might freak out," she replied.

"So I managed to take a week off work,"

"That's great, it will do you both good, you never have time off," she smirked. "I'm just sad I'm not off with you."

"We can arrange that for next time though," I reassured.

"We could take a trip," Carina grinned.

"Let's just get her used to our apartment first," I laughed.

Authors note:

Short and sweet.

What do you want to happen???

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