Part 128

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Maya POV

"What do I write mommy?" Elva asked, a cute frown forming as she turned to look at me.

The two of us were sat on the floor, Elva leaning against the coffee table as she was about to write her letter to Santa.

"You just tell Santa what you want for Christmas bub," I smiled, running my hand through her long blonde hair as she turned back to the paper in front of her.

"Start it 'Dear Santa'," I instructed.

"Oooo mommy I can smell cookies," she said, getting distracted by the Christmas scent coming from the kitchen.

"Those are mama's Christmas cookies," I grinned.

"Now come on, you need to finish this so we can go post it," I encouraged.

Turning back again she frowned.

"It's hard mommy," she sighed dramatically, placing down the pencil.

I chuckled at her.

"Why sweets?" I asked, stroking her cheek gently.

"Because I don't know what I want," she shrugged.

"Come here," I said, leaning back against the sofa and opening my arms.

She crawled over and get settled between my legs, her body laying atop mine. I ran my fingers through her hair.

"You know, children have lots of fun writing their Christmas lists. They write down all the toys and games they want," I said quietly, knowing this was the first time she'd had the chance to do this.

"I have toys mommy," she said innocently.

"I love my fire truck and Mulan doll and Bobby. I have my princess dress and Lego," she said, listing her favourites.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Some people don't have anything mommy. I have lots now," she said, resting her head down on my chest.

I breathed my baby in, forever grateful that Carina and I could provide for her.

"You're very right Elvie. Why don't you think of just one thing you'd like and then we ask Santa to take care of other people?" I suggested.

"Hmmm okay," she agreed, nodding against my boobs before pushing herself up.

"Just one thing baby, what do you want?" I asked as she now sat cross legged facing me, my legs either side of her.

"Can I ask Santa for cooking dress?" She asked.

I frowned.

"A cooking dress? What's that?" I asked, completely clueless.

"Like what mama has. I want to match when we bake together," she informed me.

"Ohhhh you mean an apron?" I laughed.

"Yeah that," she nodded seriously.

"Come here," I said still laughing, pulling her back into me.

"What's funny mommy?" She asked, narrowing her eyebrows at me suspiciously.

"Nothing bub, you're just so like your mama," I laughed, kissing the top of her head.

"That's a good thing," she replied.

"It is indeed. Right little lady, you finish that letter and I'll go see if I can sneak us some cookies," I said, lifting her off me and pushing myself up off the floor.

I walked into the kitchen to find Carina finishing up with the baking dishes.

"They smell amazing," I said, wrapping my arms around her form behind as she stood at the sink.

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