Part 33

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Maya POV

"Maya, hi,"

I felt my blood run cold.

If there was ever a time I wished to be invisible it was now.

My entire body tensed and I glanced at Carina and watched her subtly put her arm around Elva protectively as I turned to look up.

Towering above me was my father.

I stood up so as to take away the intimidation of him stood over me. I didn't want him to have that power.

"Not going to introduce me champ?" He said overly nice and smiley.

"Why don't you take her to play on the swings?" I suggested to Carina, although she could tell it was more of an instruction.

She nodded and stood up, lifting Elva on to her hip at the same time.

"Let's go to the playground bambina," she said, keeping the mood light for Elva's sake.

"Mommy come?" She asked me.

I moved closer to stroke her cheek.

"I'll join you in two minutes sweetheart," I whispered to her.

Her bottom lip began to quiver.

"Bubba I promise I won't be long," I assured her.


My heart was pounding. I wanted her away from this man.

She was making grabby hands for me.

"Shhh mommy won't be long, you'll see me from the playground," I said as I kissed her head.

She didn't look happy about going without me but I think she was definitely picking up on the tense atmosphere.

Carina turned towards the playground and took Elva away.

"So you're a mommy?" He asked when they'd left.

I nodded. I didn't want him to know anything about Elva or our situation.

"Does that make me a grandpa?"

"Not at all," I said flatly.

"Maya come on, we're a team, let's get back to that," he said, changing his tone.

"I don't want to get back to that. I don't want to be ordered around by you, made to feel unworthy or emotionally tortured," I said exasperated.

"Look at who you became because of that. Look at what you've achieved," he said as he flung his arms out gesturing.

"I am who I am despite all that," I firmly stated.

"Good luck raising her then. You won't be able to stop yourself from turning her into you. You'll push and push her to be the best just like I did you because deep down you know it's what's right for your own child,"

"Tell me you haven't already thought about taking her to sports events or dance shows or imagined her top of the class,"

"She's already more than enough," I argued.

"See how long thats lasts. You'll want more, you always did," he spat.

I could feel myself bubbling.

I need to remove myself from this situation before I caused a scene in the park. Without a word, I grabbed the bag and walked away in the direction of the playground.

"You'll only hurt her if you don't push her," I heard him call after me.

Carina POV

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