Part 1

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Station 19

"Caio bambina," Carina said as she kissed her girlfriend before leaving for work.

Maya smiled as the door closed, she couldn't believe how lucky she was by having Carina in her life. She was finally starting to accept that she could slow down and give herself time to enjoy the small pleasures life had to offer, without the feeling of guilt hanging over her.

She smiled to herself again and began to get ready for work.

*An hour later*

"Okay Station 19, let's go!"

The team instantly rose from their seats around the dining table on their captains orders and headed towards the stairs.

"What've we got Captain?" Andy asked as she threw her jacket on.

"House fire. Lots of kids." She replied.

Maya took a breath, pulled on her boots and climbed into the truck. Clicking her radio on for the rest of the team to hear, she began giving instructions.

"Okay team, care home fire. Reportedly started in the kitchen. 3 adults and 12 minors, we'll know more when we get on the ground. We get in and we get them out."

There was a courus of "Yes captains"

On arrival at the scene, the team jumped out of the truck and quickly began to assess the situation. Flames and smoke were rising quickly and there was a group of children varying in age from about 10 to 17 all stood together on the lawn.

Maya rushed towards one of the adults stood beside the group of about 7 children.

"Hi I'm Captain Bishop, I'm in charge of this scene. Could you tell me what happened and how many are still inside the house?"

The middle aged woman, with smoke stained clothes, glared furiously at Maya.

"I'm Marie. All staff are out. 4 kids left in. One of them thought it was a clever idea to cook dinner and then go hang out with friends. Place is a right mess," she barked at Maya with no concern for those left inside.

Maya rolled her eyes, ignored her harsh tone and turned towards the team.

"Ok, Miller and Hughes, I want you two round the back, assess the fire in the kitchen and work on cutting it of at the source. Montgomery, start attaching the hoses. Herrera, Gibson get the rest of those kids out. Warren, start checking over the staff and kids already out."

Once they dispersed Maya turned back towards the children.

"Hey guys, is everyone alright? Any injuries?" She asked, her voice now a lot softer.

Warren was already treating a couple of minor burns.

"We're ok I think," one of the older boys answered.
"Will everyone else get out ok?" He added.

"My team will do everything in their power, try not to worry," she smiled kindly before turning back towards the house.

"Hughes do you have an update?" She asked, grabbing her radio.

"It's bigger than it looked from the front Captain. Spreading quickly throughout the house. Might want to think about calling in another unit."

"Montgomery, I want you round the front hitting it from this side." Maya ordered in response to Hughes.

She was about to radio Herrera and Gibson when they came out the front door with a child each leaning on their shoulder.

"Warren get oxygen, they'll be suffering from smoke inhalation and radio for more AID cars!"

"Any sign of the other two?" She asked them.

"Yeah, we saw them on our way out with these two. They weren't that far in, just couldn't see the way out," Gibson said as he and Andy ran back towards the house.

The adults were hovering around the kids who'd just been rescued, clearly whispering something important to them.
Maya had an unnerving feeling in her stomach that something wasn't quite right. She counted those already out, 3 adults and 9 kids. With the other two about to come out any second that made 11. She could've sworn the incident report said there were 12 kids living here.

"Herrera, are there any signs of anybody else in there?" She called into her radio.

"We'll get these two out and do a sweep." Andy responded.
As she said that, part of the roof gave in on the back of the house. The noise was enough to make the kids turn and cower.
Warren quickly moved them further back from the house.

"Guys check in. All ok?" Maya asked

All the team responded quickly. She took a breath of relief but the feeling of unease remained. She headed towards the adults.

"Once the remaining two kids are out is that everybody accounted for?"

"Yes, that's everyone," a tall man replied awfully quickly.
The two women shifted and wouldn't make eye contact.

"Are you sure?" She asked forcefully, not fully believing them. Something was telling her they were lying.

"Elva's in there. You have to get her out!" The teenage boy from earlier said, running towards Maya.

"He's lying. He's got problems. Everyone's out" Marie shouted, her eyes like daggers.

"Bishop I've just head a scream!" Gibson called down the radio.

Walking towards Marie and squaring right up to her, Maya prodded a finger straight into her chest.

"You better hope to god this kid comes out of this thing alive."

Maya turned towards the group of kids.

"Where is she?" She demanded urgently.

"She'll be in the attic. They always lock her in," a brown haired girl replied nervously.

Without thinking Maya grabbed her mask and clipped on her oxygen tank. She knew by being captain she was breaking protocol but her gut instinct was telling her she had to be the one to go in. At that moment, Gibson and Herrera came out with who they originally thought were the last two civilians.
Brining them over the AID cars that had just arrived, they began to realise what Maya was about to do.

"Bishop the structure is compromised and the fire has spread all throughout. We need to get the flames down before we go back," Herrera shouted.

"There's no time, if she's in the attic and part of the roof has collapsed she could be injured and trapped. I'm getting her, help the others, get more hoses on this thing."

"MAYA!" Andy screamed, watching her best friend run into the flames.

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