Part 122

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Maya POV

Sat in my hotel room at the dresser, I stared at myself in the mirror.

Maya "monogamy is for the weak" Bishop was about to become Maya DeLuca-Bishop.

I couldn't quite believe it.

I added the final touches by putting my earrings in, butterflies causing chaos in my stomach.

"Did you enjoy your breakfast bellina?"

I quickly spun around.


"What are you doing?" I asked, now stood in the middle of the room, catching Carina sneaking in.

Andy had just popped out with Elva to check everything downstairs was ready.

She quietly closed the door, flicking the latch to locked. I was stood there in my wedding dress, feeling surprisingly vulnerable.

"Wow," she sighed, stopping at staring at me.

"Maya," she smiled, titling her head to the side.

"You're not supposed to be here," I said seriously.

"You look incredible bella," she said almost breathlessly, a huge smile plastered across her face.

"Carina," I sighed, attempting to conceal the blush.

"You weren't supposed to see me yet," I added.

She chuckled to herself.

"Always with the rules," she laughed.

"Stoppp," I whined, feeling almost shy.

"I'm sorry bella, I couldn't wait any longer," Carina said softly now, crossing the hotel room and closing the gap between us.

"You literally only had 10 more minutes," I smirked, placing my hands on her waist. 

"That's 10 too many," she said slowly, leaning closer until her lips were mere inches away from mine.

"Andy will kill you if you ruin my makeup," I whispered.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take," she replied, I could feel her sweet breath against my skin now she was so close.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes but closed the two inch gap anyway, melting into her as she tightened her hold of my waist.

"Hmm I missed you last night," I said when we eventually broke apart.

"Me too bellina, it's a silly rule," she joked.

"How about we start making our own rules?" I suggested, biting down on my lip as I lent back in for another kiss.

"Si, I like that better," Carina nodded.

"But now, you need to go," I said lightly pushing her away.

She frowned, pouting her lips.

"Go, we're getting married in like 5 minutes," I laughed, shooing her out the room.

"Okay fine I'm going," she said dramatically, turning and reaching for the door handle.

"Carina wait," I called quickly.

She paused and turned back around.

"Si bellina?"

"You look beautiful," I told her, amazed by her beauty.

She blushed and tilted her head before opening the door and sneaking back out before Andy and Elva returned.

I checked my lipstick and sprayed my perfume before taking one last look in the mirror.

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