Part 26

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Elva POV

I was sat on the grass at lunch time with Molly. We were making daisy chains.

We looked up and saw Lewis and a few of his friends coming over.

We didn't really like Lewis.

I stood up when they were starting to get closer.

"You're a liar," Lewis said pointing at me.

His finger prodded me in the middle of my chest making me take a step back.

"Why?" I asked all confused.

I hardly ever spoke to him.

"You've been telling people your mom is a fire fighter," he said.

I knew he meant Maya.

"She is!" I defended.

"No she's not," he shouted in my face.

I felt myself starting to get upset.

"She's not even your proper mom, never mind a fire fighter," he added. Some of his friends laughed.

Molly grabbed my hand.

"She is a fire fighter. She saves people," Molly said, standing up for me.

"She's making it up she's not that special," Lewis argued.

"Maya is the captain," I shouted angrily. I felt hot tears fill my eyes.

"She can't be a captain she's a girl. Stop lying," Johnny said joining in.

"S-She is," I sobbed.

"Then what does she want you for?" He smirked.

"What's going on over here?" Miss Thomas said, hearing the shouting and coming to investigate.

"Elva's lying about her mom," Lewis said.

"No I'm not!" I yelled.

I let go of Molly's hand and used it to hit Lewis in the face. He fell back.

"Elva!" Miss Thomas shouted.

I ran.

I ran straight through the crowd of children and sprinted across the playground.

I got to the gate and slipped through easily.

I ran and ran.

Carina and Maya were going to be so angry.

I kept running. 

I don't know where to go.

I wanted to go home but I don't have a key.

If I went to the station, Maya would be mad.

If I went to the hospital, Carina would be mad.

Maybe Maya would be out on a call.

Maybe I could hide there until it was the end of school.

But Miss Thomas would ring her anyway.

Tears carried on falling as I ran.

I think my body was running for me because I was going towards the station.

But the road was blocked.

There was smoke coming from a building.

There were two engines.

They said 19

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