Part 99

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Maya POV

I got back to the apartment and made myself a coffee.

I was feeling so much better today and probably could've been back at work but for once, I was actually looking forward to some down time.

I picked up some of the bridal magazines that Andy had bought for me after Carina proposed. They'd been left untouched on the coffee table until now.

Resting my legs up on the sofa and with a coffee in my hand, I began flicking through the first one. It was a little overwhelming, I'd never pictured myself having a big, white wedding. I'd be more than happy just spending the day surrounded by our friends and close family.

There were a few little details that caught my eye as I scanned through so I folded the corner of the page to save for Carina.

I also sent a picture of the magazines to Andy to let her know I'd be needing her help.

It quickly got to lunch time and Carina hasn't messaged to say she was still in surgery so assuming she was still on for lunch, I got myself ready to head back to Grey Sloan.

"Knock knock," I said, wrapping my knuckles on her office door.

"Come in," her reply came.

Pushing the door open, I entered to see her sat behind her desk in her pink scrubs.

"Hello beautiful," I smiled, seeing her look up from her computer.

"Ciao bellina," she grinned, getting straight up from her seat to come over to me.

"Hmm this is such a nice change," she sighed happily, her arms wrapping around my waist.

"You really are the hottest doctor," I admired, looking her up and down.

"Hmm is that right?" She smirked, her hands working their way further down my back.

"Yeah, that's right," I nodded, leaning up to meet her lips.

"As much as I would love to spend all lunch time like this, I've got an appointment straight after so we should go eat," she said with a pout.

"That's fine, I'll happily make eyes at you across the cafeteria table," I grinned, following her out of her office.

I grabbed a table while Carina went to get food for the two of us.

"Here you go bella," she smiled, placing two plates on the table.

"This is definitely a nice change," she said, taking a sip of water.

"I know, we normally end up just grabbing a protein bar between calls," I agreed.

"Did you look at any of the wedding magazines?" She asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"I did," I nodded between mouthfuls.

"I folded some things down for you to take a look at. It did make me realise that I don't want a big circus of a wedding though," I admitted.

"Me neither bellina, all I want is to make you my wife," she smiled, taking my hand in hers.

"I wonder how Elva's getting on at school," I said a little anxiously.

"She'll be fine bella," Carina assured.

"Well, neither of us have had any phone calls yet," I chuckled.

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