Part 69

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Maya POV

"Does this look okay?" Carina asked, running out of our bedroom.

I was in the kitchen trying to get a very agitated Elva to eat breakfast

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I was in the kitchen trying to get a very agitated Elva to eat breakfast.

"Carina that's your fourth outfit," I laughed.

"And for the fourth time, you look great," I told her, holding a spoonful of yoghurt up to Elva's mouth only to have her push it away.

"I just want to make the best impression," she sighed, straightening her jacket.

"And you will regardless of what you're wearing. Now get this child to eat something so I can go get ready," I said, handing her the spoon.

I quickly changed and and rejoined them in the kitchen. Carina had a squirming Elva sat across her knee.

"She's too worked up," Carina said, gesturing to the full bowl of fruit and yoghurt.

Alright one moment," I said, having an idea.

I poured the contents of the bowl into the blender, quickly turning her breakfast into a smoothie.

"Here bubba, try this," I smiled, putting it down in front of her.

"Coffee before we go?" I asked Carina.

"Si, grazie bellina," she said, stroking Elva's hair while she had her drink.

"Good girl bambina," I heard her say.

When we were all finished, I got Elva ready to go. She was visibly nervous and appeared to be very quiet this morning.

"Elvie, auntie Andy is going to be with us today. If mama and I have to leave you for a little while, Andy will be there," I explained to her.

"I be good mommy," she said softly.

"I know you will Elva, big and brave," I smiled, fastening the laces of her little converse.

"I tell the judge your my mommy?" She asked.

"You can if they wants to speak to you sweet girl, they just want what's best for you," I told her.

"Can I bring Bobby?" She asked.

"I think today would be a great day to have Bobby with you," I nodded.

She ran off to get him, coming back quickly to join Carina and I by the apartment door.

We drove to the courthouse, got out of the car and walked up towards the front steps.

Andrew and Teddy were already here and waiting. Both were dressed smartly, Andrew in a suit and Teddy a dress and heels.

"Hi," Carina said, hugging them both.

"Thank you so much for doing this," I said gratefully.

Andrew crouched down in front of Elva, she stepped towards Carina and held onto her leg.

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