Part 125

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1 Week Since The Wedding

Maya POV

"Hmmm good morning my love," I yawned, stretching my arms out above my head as my eyes opened to focus on Carina.

"Buongiorno bellina," she smiled, wrapping her arms around me tightly, pulling me closer into her body.

"Are you sure you have to work today?" I wined childishly, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Si I'm sorry, I've had this c-section scheduled for a while now. The mama is high risk so I don't want to pass her off to anyone," Carina explained, kissing the top of my head gently.

"Why did I have to be married to the best OBGYN?" I asked dramatically, rolling over onto my side to face her.

"Because you needed someone to match you as the best fire captain," she joked.



Carina and I lost our smiles and threw the bed covers off of us. Within seconds we were in the lounge, holding our breaths ready to see what the problem was.

"Elva bambina what is it?" Carina asked seriously, moving towards  and crouching down in front of Elva.

"Look mama," she said, turning and pointing to the window.

The two of us followed her finger, our eyes landing on the window and the realisation of the shouting dawned on us.

It was snowing.

I let out a small sigh of relief and replaced my frown with a grin.

"Ahhh la neve," Carina said calmly, standing herself back up and walking over to the window with our little girl.

I stood back for a moment and took a picture of my two loves from behind before sending it to Andy with the caption 'Baby's first snow,'

I knew that the likely hood of this being Elva's first time seeing snow was slim but it was her first snow as my girl so I was going to capture it.

I locked my phone and joined my lady and little lady by the window.

"Look mommy, snowflakes," Elva giggled, showing me how the snow was building up along the window ledge.

"Wow it's coming down heavy," I said, taking in the amount of snow myself.

"It's so pretty," Elva said as she pressed her face up close to the glass.

"Babe please be careful on your way to work," I said seriously, addressing Carina.

"I will, don't worry bella," she smiled.

"Can we make a snowman mommy?" Elva asked me eagerly, knowing I had the day off work to spend with her.

"I thought you wanted to make gingerbread cookies?" I smirked, jokingly crossing my arms over my chest.

I watched as she took a moment to think about her options. Pouting her lips and frowning as she weighed them both up.

"Elva?" I whispered.

She looked up at me.

"We can do both," I winked.

Without a word she wrapped her arms around my legs, squeezing  them tightly and smushing her face into me.

"You're the best mommy," she said, leaning back and letting go a little.

I scooped her her up and set her down on my hip.

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