Part 70

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Maya POV

"Let's take a ten minute break. You'll be called back in for the verdict shortly," the judge announced.

Carina and I turned to face the others, following them out of the back of the courtroom.

Elva came straight over to us, wrapping her arms around my leg as I stood to speak to Lindsay.

"So what're your thoughts?" I asked her nervously, stroking Elva's hair with my hand.

"In my professional opinion, that went well," she nodded.

"I told you he's fair. Everyone spoke well, including this little one," she added, looking down at Elva.

I turned my attention to my girl, who was clinging onto my leg, resting her head against my thigh.

"Wanna come up?" I asked her, holding out my arms. 

She nodded and reached up for me.

I lifted her up onto my hip, smiling as she leant against my shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart, you were super brave," I whispered to her.

"I don't wanna leave you mommy," she said so only I could hear.

I walked to one side with her, letting the others talk and grab coffee.

"Let's get some fresh air," I suggested, carrying her out of the main doors.

I placed her on the ground, walking down a few steps before stopping and sitting.

"Sit with me Elvie," I smiled.

She perched beside me on the step, sitting as close to me as possible.

"Will the judge let me stay ?" She asked, looking up at me with her big, round eyes.

"Can I tell you something Elvie?" I asked her.

She nodded, moving to rest her hands on my bent knees.

"No matter what happens, I will always be your mommy," I told her, leaning forward so my face was inches away from hers.

"And I be mini Maya?" She asked, kissing my nose.

Laughing, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her onto my lap.

"Mini Maya and little Carina, you're ours Elva. Nothing is going to change that," I assured her.

"Are my beautiful girls alright out here?" We heard.

The both of us looked up to see Carina standing behind us.

"Come join," I smiled, patting the space beside me.

She sat down, moving her arm around my back.

"We were just getting some fresh air," I told her.

"Lindsay's expecting us to be called in soon," she said, twirling Elva's hair around her finger.

I sighed, the knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach at the thought of potentially losing Elva in the next few minutes.

"Can't we just run and board a plane?" I sighed, pulling Elva towards me so she was close to my chest.

"That's plan B," Carina winked.

"I can't let go of her," I said, softly kissing her head.

"Maya, Carina?"

"They're ready," Teddy said, stepping of the door to call us back.

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