Part 149

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Maya POV

"She looks so small sleeping in that bed," I said sadly, sitting in the armchair beside Winter.

"She looks so much like Elva right now," Carina added, reading over Winter's notes on the iPad for about the twentieth time.

"Speaking of Elva, who's going to go pick her up from school?"

"They currently have her down as walking to the Station but neither of us will be there," I pointed out.

"They could bring her here?" Carina suggested.

"But Winter was very clear she didn't want to upset Elva. She needs to rest too,"

"Elva would want to see her though," Carina replied, leaning over a sleeping Winter and checking her temperature.  

I waited I until it beeped.

"It's gone down slightly," she told me with a small, relieved smile.

"One of us should really go collect El, it's not fair when she's expecting us to get her," I sighed.

I knew Carina wasn't going to want to leave Winter's side, she was reluctant to leave to go to the bathroom earlier.

"I'll go," I said, making the decision for us both.

"I'll go pick Elva up and take her home. I'll tell her about Winter and bring her in tomorrow morning before school after Winter's had more rest," I added, outlining the plan.

"You're okay with leaving Winter?" Carina asked, slightly surprised.

"No I'm not okay at all but this is what having two kids is going to be like. It's just a good thing there's two of us," I sighed, trying not to snap.

I felt completely torn in half already and Winter wasn't even officially ours yet.

"We can't just forget about Elva," I said, a little anger slipping out.

Carina looked at me and tilted her head slightly. I knew she didn't want to argue either and I knew she'd be feeling exactly the same.


"I've not forgotten about Elva bellina," she sighed, moving around Winter's bed towards me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel any worse," Carina apologised, taking hold of both my hands.

I looked up at her and fought back tears that were threatening to fall. I had to be strong for all my girls.

"I can't wait until they're both home and safe with us," I sighed, leaning forward against Carina and feeling her arms wrap around me.

"It won't be long bella," she whispered before lovingly kissing the top of my head.

"You'll keep me updated right?" I breathed out, my head still resting on Carina's shoulder.

"Si bellina of course. I want Elva updates too,"  she replied, squeezing my tightly one last time before releasing me.

"Are you coming home tonight?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'll sleep here," she smiled sadly.

"Okay my love, I'll bring fresh clothes for you in the morning," I said, walking over to a sleeping Winter.

"I've got some things in my office but grazie bella,"

I placed a soft kiss on Winter's forehead, glad that she didn't feel as though she were on fire anymore.

"Feel better soon princess," I whispered.

"Carina is with you,"

"I'll be back first thing tomorrow morning,"

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