Part 50

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Carina POV

At hearing the phrase social services, Elva instantly hid her face in my chest. I rubbed my hand up and down her back in an attempt to offer some comfort.

"They want to speak to Elva first," said Arizona seriously.

"Alone," she added.

Elva shook her head against me.

"With you mama," she cried.

"I'm sorry bambina," I sighed, moving my hand to her head.

"Please," she begged.

I looked helplessly between Amelia and Arizona.

"Can someone else be with her? Someone who's not Carina or Maya?" Amelia asked.

Arizona shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll go check," she said, turning and leaving the gallery.

"Elva?" Amelia said gently.

"If they say it's alright, is it okay if I come with you?" She asked, giving Elva some control over the situation which was very important.

"Mama close?" She asked, lifting her head up off of me.

"I'll be right outside and I'm going to call Maya bambina," I assured her.

Arizona came straight back to tell us it was alright for Amelia to stay with Elva.

"Come on bella, let's go be brave," I said, standing and lifting her onto my hip.

"Like mommy," she smiled weakly.

"Just like her bella," I said, kissing the side of her head.

We reached the meeting room and I placed her down on the ground. She reluctantly took hold of Amelia's hand and entered the room.

The second the door closed, I leant back against the wall and ran my hands through my hair.

"It will be fine Carina," Arizona said.

"What if they think it's Maya and I? What if they don't believe her?" I said, full of panic.

"Carina, I've told them what Elva told me. She'll tell them the same thing and they will sort it," she explained.

"Will they though? Jane doesn't sort things. Jane let's that little girl in there get hurt time and time again," I shouted.

"Ring Maya. Go calm down, go and breathe," she said.

"I said I'd be here," I sighed.

"You are here! Now go ring Maya," she ordered.

I nodded and walked down the corridor. I took my phone out and dialled Maya's number.

"Hey how's it going?" She said, answering the phone.

"Ciao bellina, I've got some updates," I began.

"How is she? Is her arm alright?" She asked.

"It's not broken, but it's a bad sprain. And her back is fine, just incredibly bruised," I explained.

"And social services?"

"They're here," I told her.

"I'm on my way,"

She hung up.

I felt relieved that she was soon going to be here, we worked best as a team.
I also smiled at how much she'd changed, instantly walking out of work to join us here.

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