Part 124

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Maya POV

"Mommy look at me," Elva shouted from the dance floor as she spun and twirled, making her dress fan out.

"Wow so good baby," I smiled, humouring her clapping.

I looked over at Carina, my wife, as she stood talking away with my mom.

"Hola captain Bishop-DeLuca," Andy said, coming to sit beside me around one of the tables.

"It's DeLuca-Bishop," I smirked, using my thumb to touch my wedding ring that sat proudly on my finger.

"I like it," Andy nodded, clinking her champagne glass with mine.

"Am I still having the niñita tonight?" She asked.

"If you don't mind, my mom has offered to have her but I think Elva would feel more comfortable with you. She's not been around my mom that much," I replied.

"Not a problem, Robert's already said he's gonna get a cab home tonight so Elva and I can have my room," Andy explained.

"He doesn't have to do that, I'm sure she'll be fine with my mom," I said, feeling guilty Robert wasn't planning on staying.

"No no trust me, it's okay," Andy said quickly, downing the rest of her champagne in one.

"Is everything alright between you two?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah yeah all fine," she said, waving her hand as though it were nothing.

"Andy come on, I can read you like a book," I chuckled lightly.

"I'm not going to spent your wedding day talking about problems with my husband," she said adamantly.

I sighed.

"Alright but we're getting coffee this week and you're talking okay?" I bargained.

"May need to be vodka but I'm in," she laughed.

"And don't worry about Elva tonight, tia Andy will be in charge," Andy said as Elva raced over to our table.

"Hi beautiful girl," I smiled, pulling Elva up and onto my lap.

"You're all sweaty," I laughed, tucking her hair back away from her red face.

"I've been dancing mommy," she giggled.

"I've been watching. You've stolen the show," I told her. 

"Heyyy chica, you and I are gonna have a sleepover tonight," Andy said, leaning over to tickle her stomach.

"B-but mommy," she said, looking up at me, her bottom lip sticking out.

"No no baby no tears. We talked about this. You're staying with Auntie Andy and then you'll be back with me and mama in the morning," I explained calmly.

She nodded, her eyes still filling with tears.

"I think someone's getting tired," I said gently, using my thumb to wipe an escaped tear.

She fell forward and lay against my chest, turning her head to the side to face Andy.

"Hey what did we say we were going to do after all the wedding stuff is over?" I asked her, running my fingers through her hair.

"Get ready for Christmas," she said quietly. 

"Anddd?" I teased.

"Go ice-skating,"

"Anddd??" I repeated.

"Make gingerbread with mama," she added.

"Anddd?"  I smiled, watching her try not to giggle.

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