Chapter fourteen - jealousy

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"Okay I know it seems bad- but I have an explanation!" She responded as she looked worried to what I'd do next.
"So- that is something that happens when I switch universes.. sure that mean and confident me is a pro at controlling our power but she is also- mean... I get that necklace every time she comes out and the fastest way to get her to leave is by ruining it." She explained.
"Now would you tell me why the hell I couldn't hear any thoughts when I was lying to my loved ones- hold up- they're also yours- this is gonna get weird..-" I stated.
"Alright so- it is like that because-" She started but then she was gone and I was back in Jasmine's arms.
"Violet are you sick? What's wrong? If you're this weird because you hate us that much then I don't know what too do.." She asked with Carmella by her side. I let out a laugh.
"I don't hate you, neither will I ever. But there- there keeps coming things into my life making the universe switch the least of my problems." I explained getting out of her arms.
"What is it? What is your problems? We can help." Carmella stated.
"I know, but I also know that it will most likely come back to kill you guys or me-" I said as I started to leave and they just sighed while Carmella stood infront of me.
"You can't expect to just walk away and you won't piss us off." She said.
"I don't give a fuck." I responded. And I saw a crowd starting to form around us including some reporters.
"Ack, fuck..." I muttered as they started surrounding me.
"Miss Emerald who are these women? You have not said anything about new partners." One of the journalists asked shoving a microphone in my hand.
"Maybe cause my love life isn't important to the society? And they're just my friends for god's sake." I said hating my life and wishing I knew how to teleport out of there but I couldn't, so the first thing after this was trying to get in contact with other me.
"What's their names? How did you meet them? How long have you known them?" All the reporters kept throwing questions at me as the whole crowd started facing Jasmine and Carmella and that sight made my blood boil.
"Are you interested in anyone?" One of them asked Carmella and Jasmine and I just burst. I grabbed the microphone back with my whole body on fire.
"They like me you prick. And I have accepted that, we're still friends, so fuck off and leave them out of your dumb report!" I said, throwing the mic at her.
"Violet what the hell!?" I heard Carmella ask.
"Why are you protective all of a sudden?-" Jasmine asked confused.
"Violet?" Multiple people of the crowd asked regarding Carmella calling me by the name I prefer being called because I honestly despise my birth name. Someone in the judge department or whatever you would call it ran up to me and pulled me aside.
"Vi Vi, you can't throw a microphone at a reporter!" He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, and in case you have forgotten, your future lies in my hands, lover boy, so I would watch my words if I were you~" I said with a smirk towards the end but quickly turned it into a frown before taking my own little way back to the institute. I was walking in one of my secret passageways and dragging my hand along the wall whilst just thinking how my life got turned upside down in one night
"Ugh.. I am starting to feel sick or something.." I mumbled as the other me appeared and scared the living out of me.
"Why the fuck do you keep doing that?!" I screamed at her.
"Cause I can, now answer this. How are you this high and mighty person but yet you're scared of rejection?" She asked.
"That's because I overthink. Blame myself for my dad moving away to god knows where and I am a total wreck that pushes herself over her limit! With some curse or whatever-"
"Thanks for saying that into a recorder my dear self~ now, let's get you to rest." She said as I just stormed past her and got to my room.
"Vi Vi?" I heard Lizzy ask as she knocked on the door.
"Yeah I'm here. Come in." I said and laid down on my bed face first.
"You need to get your feelings under control." She said in a serious manner.
"Oh really? Its not like I grew up hearing that!" I responded angrily.
"It was just an interview and they weren't even flirting like they usually do so why did you react like that?" She asked.
"That's the thing! They didn't flirt so they had another plan and that is to play hard to get and discret since they think they have the energy to go against me, pshh, as if!" I responded in my jealous rage as I sat up and felt glitchy again.
"Violet...? Are you okay?" She asked and the other me and I will just call her Violet (since that is technically her name) appeared.
"It is fucking visible?!" I asked Violet and she giggled.
"Who are you talking too?" Elizabeth asked and I walked up to her.
"So- alot has happened since I met Jasmine and Carmella.. I can't tell you just yet, but it will happen. I promise you, Lizzy. With that established I'm going to go train." I had left my room before she had the time to even open her mouth.
I entered the training hall and went towards the gymnastics part.
"Where have you been? Why have you not been answering any of our calls or messages and why do you look like a glitch?-" I heard the other people of the institute ask.
"I- I don't need to answer any of those questions." I answered whilst making my way up on a bar.
"Turn on the object thing." I ordered and one of them went to turn it on. Sharp objects started flying towards me but it had been like that for years. I dodged them with barely any efforts as I felt the glitching grow stronger and Violet appeared infront of my view as I was swinging to another bar.
"Eee!" She let out.
"What's up? Why are you happy?" I asked whilst till dodging the objects.
"You're development is nearly complete! Without the training of course." She answered.
"The develop-what-now?" I asked as I landed and moved on to the beam and she followed, floating as always.
"Before you can teleport you moron." She answered.

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