Chapter eight - the arrival of the feelings

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I got up from the couch and went to where the sound came from, still half asleep.

"What the hell are you guys doing? Can't i sleep?!" My eyesight became clear and I was met with Elizabeth running towards me.

"Nope." I moved out of the way and Elizabeth went flying to the floor.

"Still the same bitchy behavior.." Liz looked rather fond of the consistency in my rudeness. "Now help me up, idiot." Elizabeth continued.

"Fuck no, you took way too long to find this mediocre house and- why did your pants rustle like paper?" I inquired.

"Because, I looked into a certain two "models" criminal record and your court visits were gone." She answered, prompting Jasmine and Carmella to look satisfied but also surprised

"Why did you-" I started.

"Oh?~ so we're models?~" Jasmine said and Carmella was nearly jumping with joy.

"Let me finish my conversation with my damn sister!" I said while glaring at Carmella and Jasmine before turning it back towards the direction of my sister. "Why did you look into their criminal records? And why was mine wiped clean?!" I asked Elizabeth.

"I dunno, it just isn't there anymore, so I took it with me." Elizabeth answered whilst getting up and taking three papers out of her pocket.

"You sure can fold paper." Jasmine commented.

I grabbed them and looked for mine. Once I had found mine, I was met with a surprise.

"Well, I have my evidence." I mumbled whilst looking through Jasmine and Carmellas record.

"What do you mean?" Jasmine and Elizabeth spoke at the same time.

"Well, to answer Elizabeth, we have had some speculations for like... An hour...? Don't know since I finally got sleep." I turn towards the women who knocked me unconscious. "And to answer Jasmine.. Carmella, you should also listen." I inhaled briefly. "I have been in court many times.. sometimes it gets put on my record, as of being proven guilty, but, for the most part, I don't, so here's our evidence." I explained.

"Why have you been in court?!" Carmella blurted out.

"That's family business. Why the hell would I tell you guys?" I answered casually.

"But seriously, you need to get back to Claire and Magnus." Elizabeth interjected.

"I know, but these fools won't let me out of their sight since I had to take a break from them." I explained and handed the papers over to Carmella.

"Why not? You're better than me in the "wild life"." Elizabeth asked.

"There was a mistake in their calculations and they called the wrong person angel." I explained while realizing I had most likely sent a snowball into rolling.

"So you were awake? The hell were you quiet for then?!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"It was just a few minutes after half past seven and you think I wasn't awake? I had just left work, for crying out loud!" I raised my voice back at her whilst starting to walk back to the couch.

"Vi Vi, I'm serious, you have missed like three meetings." Elizabeth explained as she started walking after me.

"It's not even my meetings! It's Jaces meetings!" I complain-whined to Elizabeth as I sat down on the couch.

"Well, you're his right wing and he's out of town again. So get your ass out of this house and to the city!" Elizabeth huffed and glared at me.

"Why do you even care? If I don't appear, you take my spot, and you love that." I glared back at her.

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