Chapter twelve - inside the manor

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I was walking down the stairs, dreading Jasmine and Carmella talking to me. I suddenly felt glitchy, as if I was in one spot one second and another the next.
"Violet!" I heard someone shout.
"Gah! I did not blush!" I blurted out, feeling more and more glitchy by the second.
"We don't have time to mock you about that, we're going to be late." The person said as I got it to be Jasmine's voice.
"Coming!" I replied running down the stairs and out of the house.
"Violet, it's not that urgent. We live close to the school." Carmella explained as I slowed down and turned against them.
"You sure you can do this? You keep getting weirder and weirder." Jasmine asked as they caught up to me.
"Duh, I have time to do three things at once in my universe."
"You're not in your universe, and from what we know, you could be in the Violet that belongs here's body, and she maybe isn't as capable as you." Carmella said looking at me seriously. "Don't overwork yourself just to get a break from us." She continued.
"To be fair- I have pushed my body to it's limits multiple times, resulting in ME getting into many comas." I said realizing that us just talking is kind working, I'm not getting flustered.
"And you just do that with no motive?" They asked (not at the same time but close enough.)
"No, I do, protect my family and loved ones, I just get anxious every time they get into danger, and want to take their place." I answered as I started walking backwards facing them.
"Would you watch out? A road is coming." Jasmine said sounding a little worried. I just rolled my eyes as I kept walking backwards.
When we got to the school I suddenly remembered something, my locker was there, even though I'm not a teacher in this universe..
"Hey- how the hell is my locker still here if I switched universes?" I asked.
"I honestly have no idea princess." Jasmine replied.
"Jasmine we need to get going. Violet, the people you need to give a tour are coming in a few minutes, start wherever you want and try not to kill anyone." Carmella said as she started pushing Jasmine away after giving me a piece of paper.
"Yeah yeah, have fun and don't fucking sneak away from it again!" I said heading to the main hall since it was there everyone was going to meet (the new kids and their teacher). A few minutes later I saw them and walked up to them.
"Hello. I've been assigned the role of being the tour guide today." I explained to the teacher.
"Do you even know your way around here? Last I checked, you don't work here." The teacher asked.
"You're right, I don't, but currently all the teachers are unavailable so I was contacted since I know the school." I already felt my patience running out without Jasmine or Carmella to calm me down.
"Yeah okay, just don't put any of them in your novel and I won't mind you touring them." The teacher said and I'll just assign him a name, Robert.
"Maybe I'll put you in it, so watch your words." I threatened feeling more and more annoyed with him. And he backed off, literally.
"Alright! With that settled, it's time for the tour kids!" I said walking infront of the group.
"We're not that much younger then you!" I heard someone say.
"What would you like to see first?" I said, ignoring the teenagers exclaim.
"The cafeteria!" Someone said.
"Oh shut up, you're always thinking about food!" Someone else responded.
"The classrooms?" Someone in the back asked.
"The gym!" Another person said as I thought that this was a dumb idea to let them decide.
"The infirmary it is." I said before I started to walk towards the pharmacy.
"Why the pharmacy?!" Someone whined.
"That way it will already be behind us, problem solved." I replied rolling my eyes.
After a while we only had the gym and some extra classrooms left before I got a text. (I had stolen back my phone before leaving the house).
- Vi Vi! Emergency! Code crimson! Code crimson! I saw Elizabeth has texted me.
"What the- I can't just leave.." I mumbled.
"Something wrong?" I heard one of my other ex? colleagues ask.
"Why is everyone sneaking up on me?! Ah, but yes, I do need help, something urgent came up and I have some extra classrooms and the gym left to show the soon to be newcomers, can you take my place?" I asked knowing that "code crimson" was just a excuse to get me to go to the institute.
"Sure, but how did you even get contacted for this?" He asked.
"Oh- well, Jasmine and the new teacher asked me since we- ran into eachother." I explained.
"Alright? Well, I can take your place now, don't be late for whatever is urgent for you." He continued.
"Yes, thank you! And if you could tell Jasmine or the new teacher that I had to leave if you maybe run into them, that would also be very appreciated." I said as I started running towards the institute.
"Seriously Eli? Why today of all days?! I'm going to get a nosebleed because of you!" I thought to myself as my fantasies starting going haywire. And I started to blush.
"Just- stop thinking about Carmella and Jasmine and hurry to your house!" I accidentally blurted out and didn't think it.
"Uhm what-?" A passerby asked.
"Nothing! I didn't mean for anyone to hear that-!" I replied. (from the creator: I am just trying to push things at this point so it gets over 1000 words atleast)
I kept running and I had finally gotten to the manor when I heard people running all over the institute. I entered it and the first thing I saw was someone I thought I'd never see again.
"Lucia?!" I exclaimed.

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