Chapter twenty six - death

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A few seconds in on me using the most stupid distraction, Carmella moved me so I was sitting leg spread on the floor. Not even two seconds after that, Jasmine put her thigh between my legs whilst still swirling her tounge around mine. Making me blush harder. When she finally let go of my mouth I was panting.
"You alright?" Jasmine asked.
"Yeah... Just... Out of breath.." I answered and laid down. Jasmine then laid down on me.
"What the hell?" I asked whilst I started giggling.
"Eh, just felt like it~" She answered.
"Alright, you might want to go get a touch up." Carmella warned and pulled Jasmine off me.
"No.. I'll be honest and say I'd rather be with you the whole day." I replied and looked down.
"Alright then." Jasmine said with a little of that tone but mostly a normal sentence. She then picked me up and carried me to my bed smirking.
"Was waiting for when this was happening." I said jokingly and sarcastically. I then got slammed so I was on my back.
"How else can we do that without hurting our darling?~" Jasmine replied and moved her head so our lips were inches away.
"I don't feel pain easily either way.. but it's a sweet thought." I replied and sat up whilst moving away from Jasmine, towards the head of my bed.
"Awh, c'mon, just let us.~" Carmella said and closed in on me as well as Jasmine.
"Let- let you do what?" I asked, the answer was obvious.
"This~" Jasmine answered and our mouths and tongues were collided again. I don't know why I'm never ready for it, since it's so obvious that they're going to do that. But I always am. When Jasmine was done for probably just a few seconds, Carmella dragged her off me and forced Jasmine on her back.
"What is-" Jasmine and I started but Carmella cut us both off by starting to make out with Jasmine.
"And I'm done here, I'm not going to leave, don't worry, I'm just going to see where my sister is." I said and got off the bed, and headed towards the door when I heard yelling coming from there.
"Just great.." I mumbled and opened the door.
"Vi!" Jace and Elizabeth said and started running towards us.
"Honey, we need help on a debate." My mom said, I left the room and closed the door.
"Ugh.. what is it?" I groaned.
"So there is this new shop-" Eli started.
"I swear, if it's a new pet shop!" I interrupted.
"How'd you- either way, yes, indeed it is, so we need your help on what animals we'll buy!" Jace explained. I felt a headache forming.
"Just buy every single one! But I won't name them!" I said and walked over to my other rooms staircase.
"I'll go get my card, don't fuck anything up!" I said, annoyed. I entered my room, got my card, but when I came back out, they had already left.
"Fuck me!" I groaned and put back my card where I took it, walking down the stairs, Jasmine opened the door to my other room.
"I am coming, don't worry." I said and rolled my eyes.
"No rush, but I heard people mention the pet shop? Why did that happen?" She asked.
"Because we have this tradition, where we buy out all the pet shops when Jace returns, there has only opened one since Jace went abroad last so we got only one shop, and all the shelters animals are beyond saving so-" I explained.
"Why's your family, a family full of murderers, buying out pet shops and saving the left behind ones?" Jasmine asked and I was infront of her.
"I don't know, why'd you two leave work to knock me unconscious!" I replied.
"You're not going to let that go, are you?" Jasmine asked unsurprised.
"No!" I replied and started snickering.
"Why are you laughing-?" Jasmine asked and looked confused.
"Looks like you're either cheating on me and Carmella or she just got onto your neck." I answered and meant the hickey that had finally developed.
"I'm sorry, what?" She asked. "And why's that something to laugh about?" She continued.
"I don't know. God I need some sense knocked into me." I replied and she slapped my cheek.
"Geez! Are you two trying to get the title as "the princess of the towns' abusive girlfriends"?!"
"No, just knocking some sense in yo- why would that be the title?" Jasmine asked and Carmella finally showed up, and she put her head on Jasmines shoulder.
"The same reason I hate that nickname. Now stop taking everything I say so seriously!" I answered. Jasmine took my arm and started dragging me into the room again.
"Just cause I'd rather be with you two today does not mean that I wanna make out the whole day." I commented and saw Shrimpy in my rear view of my eye.
"Stop for a minute, alright?" I said and got out of Jasmines grip whilst Helen started approaching.
"If you heard what I just said, I didn't mean it that way." I explained and rolled my eyes, right before Shrimpy was up in my face.
"You know I would never do that~ but I'm still curious exactly how many times they've hit you." She responded and crossed her arms. I sighed.
"It's two times now, but one was to wake me up and the second was by an idiot.." I explained.
"Hey-! I'm not an idiot." Jasmine said.
"Relax, you are my and Carmella's idiot." I replied and regretted it.
"Oh?~ then what are you to me and Jasmine?~" Carmella asked and my face turned red.
"That's something we'll figure out later.." I answered and dragged Shrimpy away from them to another room and closed it.
"I may or may not have looked at the events that happened the day you stopped responding for a few hours, your partners left their work and then came back. Tell me what actually happened. I know it was connected." Helen said. I sighed and looked away.
"Vi, it'll stay between us, I can keep a secret." Helen tried.
"No, I told them I wouldn't tell anyone.." I mumbled.
"So I'm just "anyone"!? You Emeralds sure know how to hurt someone." Shrimpy replied in a overdramatic tone.
"Of course you're not. It's just-"
"I know, I know, I won't force you, I just wanna make sure you're safe." Shrimpy interrupted me.
"I am practically immortal, how would I not be?" I commented. I then heard a rope snap above us, I pushed Helen aside incase it was something heavy. Indeed it was, it was a anvil. I blacked out. With I don't know how much time passed I woke up and saw the anvil on my legs.
"You're back! That was unusually quick-" Shrimpy commented and started trying to move the anvil, I rolled my eyes and picked it up, my legs "inflated" back to the normal size.
"You died- again-" Shrimpy commented.
"Obviously! And what have I told you about leaving traps in the house!? What if mom or even Elizabeth got attacked by it?!" I started screaming again, causing Jasmine and Carmella to be in the room ten seconds later.
"Why are you screaming aga-" Carmella started the obvious question for her part. "Why is there a giant dent in the floor and a anvil here?!" And Jasmine interrupted her, doing the same.
"Because someone clearly wanted my whole family dead cause of the lie I told!" I responded and walked up to Jasmine.
"Did you get hit? Your body still takes damage like normal, right..?" Carmella asked.
"Yes and yes, but it's healed." I answered and felt dumb, they don't know what Shrimpy knows.
"How!? Sure, we heard a fall just a few minutes ago, but we didn't think much of it." Jasmine responded and started inspecting me again.
"Well- that's an answer for another time, not ready to tell you guys yet since the last time I did, I had anxiety for a week since I got no answer." I replied whilst Jasmine kept looking for wounds. Carmella sighed.
"I'm guessing it has something to do with you being able to teleport? Why have we not brought it up-" She commented on herself.
"Okay yes- the reason is magic. But the teleportation appeared out of nowhere." I answered and Jasmine was done looking for wounds.
"Hey, Hel, any idea when Mark is coming?" I asked and turned towards Helen.
"He should be here in about five minutes, but knowing how he sucks at time, fifteen minutes." She answered.
"Who's Mark and why would he come?-" Carmella asked.
"Oh! I'm gonna drain the rest of his sanity, I have rescheduled so many times.." I answered and left the room.
"Drain his sanity?! What the hell!?" Jasmine asked behind me.
"Okay first on the list, he could NOT take a hint when he went to Lizzy's job and started hitting on her so he stayed for two hours. So- Lizzy hacked his phone, got his information, and bla bla bla, his family is dead now and he has around 7% sanity left because of what we have put him through." I answered nonchalantly.
"You're a psycho!" Jasmine let out.
"Says the murderer that could've traumatized her future girlfriend by killing a man infront of her." I replied and got too the stairs of the next floor.
"That's irrelevant.." Jasmine mumbled and Carmella walked up too me. And lifted my chin so I was looking at her.
"You're going to tell us everything that you've done to people." She tried.
"That'd take at least twelve hours, but we do write down what we've done so I can shove it in Alex's corrupt face and Lizzy does something with it. Don't know what." I replied and looked away from Carmella.
"Ah, how much paper is that?" She asked.
"I can send it to you two digitally- if you'd prefer that...?" I offered and Carmella walked back over to Jasmines shoulder.

i know this last part is crap but eh, i've written worse.

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