Chapter thirty one - relationship advice

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It goes quiet for a minute before Carmella leans in and places her mouth on my neck. I flinch but then stay still. She starts sucking on my skin and my face turns red. "This is the weirdest way they could persuade me to give up and tell them..." I think to myself as I hold in moans and trying to move my legs so Carmella's knee isn't right between them. She keeps my hands pinned beside my face and when she's done sucking she looks at me.
"Well that did nothing.. I still won't tell you." I said, trying to keep my voice calm and still trying to move my legs.
"That wasn't to make you give up." Carmella says and moves her knee.
"Then what was that for?!" I let out.
"I just wanted to see if you actually trusted me." Carmella says and puts more pressure on my wrists. And I just stare at her.. she had gotten hurt.
"The first thing you thought I did that for was to get out information and not that I wanted to stop thinking about it since you obviously didn't want to tell us." She says and my heart sinks again.
"Carmella I-.."
"Carmella she's obviously worried about something, she jumped to a conclusion and didn't have time to think twice." Jasmine said and tried to calm Carmella down. I got out of Carmella pinning me to the wall and moved to the side, backing up from her when they disappeared and the whole room turned white.
"Damn it. About time you interacted with me again you asshole." I said and didn't even bother to wipe away the tears that had formed. Other me appeared.
"You need to tell them so they do not get hurt when you don't remember them." She says.
"You are an overly being. Can't you stop it from happening?" I ignored her warning.
"I do have the power for that, but all three of you need to learn to trust the other, you trust the girls and they- well they don't have a lot left to trust you. They basically trust you fully already." She answered.
"Well I don't want to hurt them, even if it is to practice for a real relationship." I said back, she shook her head and I was back to reality when Carmella had just gotten done sucking my neck. I sighed a sigh of relief since I hadn't actually upset her.
"Well damn, if you wanted me to be done that badly, you could've just moved." Carmella said and pouted. She also moved her knee more upwards, so I blushed more.
"Th-that's not the reason." I mumbled and had to keep a moan inside again.
"Well then what was the reason?~" Carmella asked and removed one of her hands so she could hold my chin.
"A-mm.." I started and continued getting more red by the second.
"What's the matter darling?~ Cat got your tounge?~" Carmella teased and I just rolled my eyes, but I was happy that things were going back to "normal", even for just this little while.
I stayed looking at her with a calm smile. At first she looked confused but after a few seconds she stopped pinning me to the wall and we were hugging.
"Right." I said and left the hug. "Memory loss." I continued and got two confused looks, unsurprisingly.
"I only have two things from my mom, and apperantly dad has this reoccurring thing where he gets temporary memory loss and all his immune systems shut down. My pain immune system will be the only thing shutting down, but I'll also get the memory loss, I won't remember how we met, since I get thrown back a month. So don't do anything stupid that will get you killed by me. Last month was a very grumpy month and I will probably kill you, though it's less believable for me to kill Jasmine since I've known her for more than a month from my universe." I got the information out and was surprisingly not interrupted.
"So, why were you crying when you came rushing up?" Jasmine commented, and I rolled my eyes.
"Believe it or not, I care about you and I don't want you to die, let alone me be the perpetrator." I replied.
"Awh!" Both of them let out. "But you do know that you have a mission or something later, right? How will you get ready for that with no memory?" Carmella asked.
"Lizzy will act like I just got the news and get my outfit and accessories ready, but she'll probably need to remake my make up." I answered.
"But back to the fact that you're a princess and you have a father figure ruling hell." Carmella brought up and I groaned.
"Whatever, just get this done quickly." I responded and got shocked looks, probably because I gave in so quickly. And then they started a whole interrogation. When they finally got done asking me questions I started to leave the room, until I saw one of the new snakes slithering around.
"Nope." I went back into the room and stood behind Carmella. Jasmine closed the door but turned towards me with that wicked smile of hers.
"You're adorable." She simply said and I just grabbed Carmellas arm, kind of shielding me from Jasmine.
"Don't comment." I mumbled, but so Carmella could hear.
"Shit-" I got a headache again and nearly lost my balance, making Carmella turn around.
"You alright?" She asked and Jasmine was no longer smiling.
"Headache." I mumbled and leaned against her for balance.
"Headaches don't normally make people lose their balance just for headaches being headaches." Jasmine commented and walked up to me and Carmella.
"For some odd reason, my mind immediately went to the memory loss kicking in." I said and started feeling my back hurt again. "Yup." I continued and looked up at Carmella.
"Can you carry me to my mom?"
"Of course, but is it to not lose your balance or to get away from the snakes?" She asked.
"Mostly the snakes." I answered and got picked up so I was piggyback riding her.

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