Chapter thirty three - getting things sorted out

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"Damn she's hot.." Jasmine mumbled.
"I'm sorry?. What. the. actual. fuck, Jasmine!?" I responded and was now glaring at her.
"Eh- fuck- nothing!" Jasmine said almost immediately. Her constant need to flirt with me had already ruined her lying, so weak.
"Since when did you curse just because you got caught in a lie?- I've looked past the obvious lies too many times again.." I muttered the last bit and I got dragged up the stairs to my very personal room.
"What are you- don't go up there!" I said and stared at the back of Jasmines head as I kept getting dragged, Carmella sighed and started walking, but me and Jasmine had already gotten to the top of the stairs and she pinned me to the wall with my hands beside my head again.
"Damn it.." I muttered and felt my body stop listening to me and forced me to stay put.
"Why'd you call me hot.." I mumbled and got nervous on impulse. Me simping for them was partially breaking the memory loss when it came to subconsciousness. That's a new fricking low.
"Well you obviously are but I also wanted to make sure you wouldn't like attack me or something like that. Thus, why you're pinned to a wall. One that few are allowed to see up close." She answered and Carmella got up the stairs with her hands forming the catapult (note from creator, i just did my research- if you don't know what i mean's just search up "catapult arm pose" or something like that)
"Just get on with it you pussy." She said and sounded annoyed, I turned my head to look at her, obviously not my body.
"What the fuc-" I got interrupted as usual.
"And the reason I look different from what you remember is simply, magic, don't know how or who would waste who knows how much energy on that but you apperantly have a little bit of magic in you. God that sounded cringe.." Jasmine sounded disgusted saying her last sentence, I looked back at her and giggled.
"Fuck you. I noticed that, and what you just said, plus my dream I had before waking up, makes more sense then you saying "magic" as an answer. But I gotta say, this "version" of you is prettier." I said and threw her off guard at the end of my sentence so I could get out of her pinning me to the wall and standing in front of Jasmines back, catching another arrow.
"Get a fucking life dad!" I shouted and threw the arrow back where it came from, obviously hitting him.
"Ah fuck! My eye! Fine!" My father from hell shouted back before the sound effects of him leaving appeared and I was happy.
"Don't say shit. I won't let you die just because you are random as hell." I said to Jasmine and leaned against the railing that continued until it hit a wall.
"Wasn't gonna." Jasmine said and did the "surrender" movement with her arms, the same as they put my arms the last few times they've pinned me against a wall.
"But why does your dad have it out for us? Whichever dad that was-" Carmella asked and walked up to Jasmine.
"Probably something you did when we first met, don't remember anything except what caused me to become nervous the first few seconds of being pinned against the wall." I replied and shrugged dismissively but they froze up.
"That- how would he even know?" Carmella asked again.
"He spies on everyone I come in contact with because he's just overprotective, why? What'd you do?~" I answered and looked at their confused faces with a smirk. They weren't used to me talking like that.
"What- like a creep?" Jasmine nearly squeaked out.
"He heads to someone else when the previous person gets naked or starts changing, he has some respect. So I wouldn't say creep, I would say overprotective as fuck." I answered and crossed my arms whilst still examining them. A bit easier now since they were standing still.
"Okay... But what exactly do you remember that made you nervous?-" Carmella asked.
"All I remember is a vivid memory of making out before waking up in another room, not any of those that are here." I said and meant my dream I had at their house that morning.
"And it cut off there?" Carmella asked and still stared at my outfit.
"Yes. And also, all my body parts felt numb when I woke up on the couch. Though it quickly stopped. Don't know if that's important" I answered.
"Huh.." Jasmine said as she approached me.
"Oh no." I mumbled as she got up to me. She put my hands on each side of me (on the railing) and put her hands on mine whilst staring at me. I raised an eyebrow.
"Seems like the only memories you have right now are from your subconscience." She noted.
"It seems so, even though it's only those two things I remember." I responded and started staring back at her.
"Damn you've got more attitude now." Jasmine commented and put her head on my shoulder (not the one beside my future hickey).
"Depending on how I met Carmella, makes me act differently. Confusion makes me easily submissive, as I get answers in return. Threats varies the effect based on who was threatened. And flirting make me act the same way back. If it is not flirting. It is seduction I counter with." I explained and leaned my head back.
"You're not going to take that back?" Carmella asked.
"No..? I stand by my words no matter what someone does with them. And since I can't get sent to jail, I don't need to go back on my word." I responded and closed my eyes.
"Oh yeah, what is with you and saying that?" Carmella asked, Jasmine was just quiet on my shoulder, and I let her stay there.
"Contract." I simply responded and Carmella seemed to have understood what I meant.

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