Chapter thirty two - sibling fight

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When we got to my mom she seemed to already know what was happening, Carmella put me down in a chair and I almost blacked out on the spot.
"So, why is this happening again?" Carmella asked. I barely heard anything around me but I got that sentence out of the things I heard, it sounded like I was underwater and they were above.
"Fucking shit..." I mumbled and felt my chest get tight because I was about to forget Carmella (and obviously what had happened before I met her) aswell as my back hurting more and more. My body finally gave up and I passed out. When I woke up I was sitting in the living room.
"Ugh, did I fall asleep watching tv again?" I got up from the couch and left the room, I had a hair tie on my wrist so I put my hair in a high ponytail.
"Can't anyone stop me from falling asleep in the- why is Jasmine here? And who's the girl with her?" I was pissed in the beginning of the sentence, the girls just stared at me, they've never seen me in a ponytail I guess.
"Uhm, I asked them to come since I wanted to see why you care so much for Jasmine." Elizabeth said.
"Okay... But how the hell did she grow?" I was suspicious.
"Just- using tricks I found on the internet I guess?" Jasmine said and played along (I remembered how it went down after I got my memory back)
"Alright... Well I'll be in my-" I heard a snake. "What the fuck?! I thought I had killed all of them!" I let out and immediately shut up.
"We went and bought a few new pets while you were sleeping." Elizabeth explained and I stared at her.
"When the fuck did Jace return?" I asked.
"Like one day ago." Elizabeth responded.
"Shit shit shit!" I said and almost started running when I stopped, I jumped from one wall to another and catched a arrow headed straight towards Jasmine. I slid down the slightly tilted wall and look at the initials on the arrow.
"God damn it dad.." I mumbled.
"Woah-, what- what just happened-?" Jasmine asked, mesmerized.
"My dad wants you both dead so I don't think you should stay here, or leave my side. The choice is yours." I replied and handed Eli the arrow.
"How about we stay by your side then?" Carmella replied and I nodded as a response since I saw Eli was about to start talking.
"You got a gala to go to later tonight." She said and put the arrow aside, pulling out her phone and texting like a mad woman. I groaned and threw my head back.
"Ugh.." I whined and rubbed my nose bridge and put my hand on my hip. "What time?" I asked.
"At like eight pm." Elizabeth answered and smiled at her phone.
"Alright, stop texting whoever you're talking to and help m- why is there makeup on me?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, making everyone nervous.
"I don't think that's so important.. let Elizabeth get you ready and we'll meet back here." Jasmine answered.
"Alright?.." I was suspicious as hell but then Eli dragged me back to the tortu- I mean make up room. Fixing (but basically just remaking it fully) my make up, when she was done after another excruciating hour and 45 minutes, she dragged me to her room and threw the clothes I decided on the other day at my face.
"Uhm- don't you usually like- want to try a few first?" I asked and looked at the top and skirt.
"Oh that- I just don't have the energy to do that right now, that's all." She said and I rolled my eyes, not believing it. But went into her walk in closet again, changing into the clothes, when I left it, she almost immediately put earrings and the circlet on me.
"Won't this look too posh for just walking around town?- there's still a a while until the gala." I said and grabbed a white pair of gloves, since I knew mom would force me to wear a pair either way.
"Oh yeah, what does mom do all day until she heads to another world tour?" I continued and put on the gloves.
"None of us really care. And mom is, well mom, so I have no clue." Eli answered both my questions and then went back to her phone.
"Alright, who are you texting?" I asked and grabbed her phone.
"Give it!" Eli said almost immediately and jumped for it, i put my arm up so she couldn't reach it.
"Give it back!" Elizabeth almost shouted and kept jumping.
"Still no."
"C'mon just give it back! You're not even reading my messages like you took my phone for!" She started climbing on the furniture beside us to get taller, I left the room and just looked at the name of who she was texting before turning it off.
"Vi Vi I will kill you!" My sister screamed from her room.
"What's happe-" Carmella and Jasmine started, until they looked at me (oh by the way, my hair was back down, just tucked behind my ears) "What's happening?" Carmella finished after she shook her head to think clearly.
"I just stole her phone so, I don understand why she's so upset." Lizzy was out of the room and charging at me like a bullet.
"Calm the fuck down! I just read the name of who you're talking to!" I said and started walking backwards.
"As if!" El screamed back at me.
"If you don't believe me, then why are you still trying to get your phone back? Hm?" I asked and stopped walking since something dawned on me.
"Because your retarded ass would only read the latest texts!" She kept shouting.
"Just- I never read your messages, I just checked who you were texting with, and I have no idea who it is so I don't exactly care." I said and rolled my eyes, getting to a wall and leaning against it. Elizabeth came charging until she stopped herself, I stuck out my hand with her phone in it and she snatched it back.
"So predictable." I said with a smirk.
"Just shut up!" Elizabeth said and walked off, I went back up to the girls and Jasmine was still shocked.
"Who knew your hair could be that wavy..." Carmella mumbled.
"And who are you? I get that you're with Jasmine, but I don't know you." I asked and crossed my arms.
"Well it's kind of hard to explain-" Carmella scratched her neck and Jasmine had started rapidly blinking.
"Just tell me your name, occupation, and relationship to Jasmine. Not that hard." I glared at Carmella. She sighed.
"Carmella, new teacher at your school, possible girlfriend?- I don't know..."
" "My" school? You know how to make an impression." I stopped being a dick and winked at her. Carmella blushed a little and looked away.
"Uhm- alright.." I responded and Jasmine finally snapped back to reality.

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