Chapter four - (kinda) getting along

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While I had started thinking of the possibilities that put me into my state of shock and insecureness, I hadn't noticed that the two had stopped fighting and was now sitting beside me.

"Sorry if we have been fighting too much.." Jasmine said with guilt in her voice. The two girls had ended up embracing me like I had felt they wanted too for so long, but they did not embrace me for their own winning and pleasure, they did it cause they saw me in confusion and dismay. Talking from my current knowledge, I did not trust that at the time.

"Whatever. You guys caused me some of these feelings, and for what? Me becoming the towns hero by stopping one robbery?! I didn't even do that! I was at home, eating around five! I did none of the work! It was probably a look alike!"

"Violet.. did you hit your head on the wall? You're not some simple woman, and you were already pretty popular before the robbery thing." Jasmine and Carmella said at the same time once again.

"What kind of bullshit is that?!" I exclaimed as i jumped up from the embrace.

I sighed before exhaling and then the action i had just done came to me "You are loosing it because of your kidnappers!" I thought to myself and then I focused on their facial expressions.
I just had to let out a small giggle, they looked so sad yet as beautiful as ever. Damn! You're calling them pretty again I yelled at myself internally whilst my (apperantly not) colleagues stared at me before both falling onto the bed.

"Already comfortable enough to show different emotions and be something other than stone cold like a rock~" Jasmine said, her tone back.

"Then you're getting that "rock" back as soon as possible." I said, for once not meaning it for real. For some reason I just felt like I could show my emotions to this new and intimidating Jasmine. Which was ridiculously dumb.

"Oh c'mon... don't be like that! You just fell for my trap in which I kissed you." Jasmine said as she turned to Carmella with a grin on her face.

"Hold up! SHE has gotten a kiss from you?!" Carmella exclaimed.

"It wasn't a kiss from both parties.. She pounced on me also, knocking me to the bed."explained, wanting to see if both of them really would do anything to get in contact with me.

"What the hell Jasmine?! You can't stand me being close to Violet but you kiss her?!"

"Duh.. how else am I supposed to-" I cut her off

"Je-sus! Stop fighting like children! No one will "get" me! So just stop fighting, you morons!"

"Well screaming and being careless won't exactly keep us away, you can't get rid of our feelings that easily Violet~" Jasmine said with her "perverted" tone back at the end of her sentence.

"Would you stop sounding like a pervert that doesn't hold back" I said to Jasmine "and you stop fighting her for her actions towards me, that makes you no better then her and you're just giving Jasmine what she wants." I said towards Carmella, who sighed, got up from the bed and dragged Jasmine out of the room.

Without the crazy ladies around me and not being stuck to a wall, I noticed something that annoyed me.
"WHO THE HELL CHANGED MY CLOTHES?!" I shouted, practically handing my captors a reason to laugh.

Even though it was my clothes and not a pair of their clothes, I got pissed.

I barged out of the room who the idiots had forgotten to lock and saw that the house I was now stuck in was modern. It didn't look half as comfortable as my "cell", so I didn't really care.

They (Jasmine and Carmella) were nowhere in sight even though they had left just a few seconds ago.

I decided to look around the house to learn the layout, whether I was gonna see it again or not. the wallpapers designs caught my eye. But, I didn't look at it for long since there was more to explore.

After 15 minutes of looking around, someone tapped me on the shoulder and I groaned before speaking up.
"What the hell?" Not with shock, or fear. Just a simple question.

I turned around and saw two different colors of hair; one blonde with a few teal streaks and the other color being ginger.

"What and how are you doing outside of your room?" Jasmine asked, moving her blonde hair aside from her face, as if she was trying to impress me.

"Well, some kidnappers who are too caught up in fighting each other went out of my so called "room" without even closing or locking it."

"We were not fighting this time!" Jasmine quickly tried to defend herself.

"Though we still forgot to lock it, and she could've easily walked outside the house." Carmella added while staring at me as usual.

"I was curious about your design choices, and would I take that dumb risk and piss you guys off? No, who knows how you would react." I replied, now with my expressionless face back.

"Eh-" Carmella started

"Alright, you vicious cat, time for us to set some boundaries!" Jasmine hissed.

"New nicknames, surprised you haven't called me "yours" yet based on how you guys act.
And also, Jasmine has seen how I react to getting kissed, just do that." I said, standing my ground, still a little nervous on the inside though.

"That's enough, you have had freedom and I'm done with it." Jasmine said with a little bit of anger in her tone.

Seeing me still unfazed, she went and closed the door in the new room we were in.

"Why can I-" I started as Jasmine interrupted me and Carmella went and leaned against one of the walls.

"Violet. You are known for your emotionlessness and being afraid of noone. You have never done anything illegal, thus how you have earned such a high title in this town." Jasmine stated.

"I have...?" I mumbled.

"You can't just forget that status! Seriously, Violet! Stop joking!" She continued.

"I am not joking! Why would I pull some weird prank and keep it going, even after getting kidnapped by my god damn colleague?!"

Jasmines mood just got worse the more I talked. I had noticed it happened every time I brought up the word "kidnapper(s)" or "kidnapped". But I have every right to say that since that was exactly what had happened.

Jasmine then took a step closer and I felt the small panic inside me grow larger.

"Listen to me. You are not the colleague of me, Carmella or anyone that works at the school." She started as she walked even closer. "So just stop the prank. It's not going to help you if you keep pretending you know us personally!" She finished.

Right after she had finished talking, I heard faint footsteps. It didn't seem like Jasmine or Carmella heard it, so I just moved away from Jasmine. That prompted her to turn towards me, confused but still angry.

"I don't care if you believe me or not. But I hear footsteps. So don't go shouting unless you want anyone to find me." I said calmly.

Carmella seemed to have known what I was talking about but it was too late. The footsteps had gotten close enough so they could hear it and Carmella quickly moved away from the wall and stood in front of me, dragging Jasmine to her side.

The door then swung open and in came a serious looking man.
"What do you think you're doing?" Jasmine said, as stern as she usually is when she's "neutral".

"I know you guys were the ones who got to Violet before me, now where is she?" The serious looking man accused angrily.

To my utter shock, instead of just keeping the argument going, the girls showed the male (and rude) person me by stepping aside a little whilst still standing in front of me.

The man looked like he was about to charge towards me when Jasmine had gotten a knife (from absolutely nowhere) and had it up against his neck to make sure he could not approach me any more than a meter.

"Don't go chasing what you will never own~" She said as she put more pressure on the knife.

"You won't "own" me either, Jasmine!" I blurted out before Carmella turned towards me and kissed me. instead of making me angry, it sent me into shock. That seemed to be what she had hoped for.

While I was spacing out, Jasmine and the man had started a conversation in which I was unable to hear. I was sent back to reality when I saw what Jasmine had done.

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