Chapter twenty eight - playful arguments

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I froze for two seconds, obviously I knew that they cared but I still am never prepared for what they do to calm me down.
"How can I even trust half of what you say? You make it hella obvious that the main or only reason you stick around is my body." I asked and got out of the hug.
"Listen, we get that trusting us would be hard, but don't think for a second longer that we're just after your body, if that was the case, why would you not stay on the chains?" Carmella responded and for once kept her arms to herself.
"I have a list of reasons, just because the main reason I get knocked out is my family does not mean this is my first interaction with a stranger unwillingly. We have manipulation by many strategies, we have using the trust you earn, making trust issues form, though it's too late for you to make that happen, by like eight years." I answered and Jasmine opened her mouth. "Not done. And who's to say that you won't use force soon?" I continued and finally got control of myself.
"If that would ever be the case, if you completely hated it, you would just get out of wherever that'd happen." Jasmine answered and didn't seem like she just wanted it to pass like she usually does when she doesn't like the conversation and she talks.
"I- didn't mean to lash out.." I said quietly when Jasmine was done talking.
"Hey, it's okay. Like I just said, we won't judge you just because you let the things bottled up inside you out after who knows how long." Carmella said and tried to calm me down.
"That was nothing compared to what I have bottled up for longer periods, even by just a week..." I mumbled.
"It's still alright. Don't worry." Carmella said and grabbed my wrist, making me relax a little but I was still stressed.
"And the reason we resort to flirting and kisses are because that looks like the most effective way to get you to calm down." Jasmine said and grabbed my other hand, kissing it. So I obviously started blushing.
"Would you look at that, it worked perfectly again~" Jasmine said and let go of my hand.
"Alright "Romeo", how about we try another method when the reason she's stressed is because we kiss her?" Carmella commented and let go of my wrist.
"You can do that, it's not my style." Jasmine replied and they started fighting. I don't know what the hell controlled my body, but I ended up kissing both of their cheeks.
"You guys are dicks, making me embarrass myself." I muttered and crossed my arms like the tsundere I'd become.
"That wasn't embarrassing~ that was you stepping out of your comfort zone~" Jasmine replied and kept teasing me.
"You motherfucker!-" I said almost immediately after her comment.
"When is the group coming back...?" Carmella mumbled and stepped away, obviously not wanting to be a part of the argument that I now had with the person she just fought with, hypocrite, am I right?
"Oh kiss my ass! I'm not wrong!" Jasmine said to me and grabbed my wrist, making me lose the little anger she just made me feel.
"Fuckin cheater.." I mumbled.
"Call me whatever you want~ it won't change the fact that you can lose your guard in the blink of an eye." Jasmine responded and pulled me in so I was right infront of her, she kept holding my wrist and lifted my chin up like Carmella usually does.
"Got any insults you wanna throw at me?~" She asked. I glared at her and shook my head.
"Alrighty then~" She responded and leant in, kissing me and kept my wrist in her grip. I almost immediately gave in and started kissing her back, trying to prove her wrong. But she just put her hand on my stomach and led me over to the closest sofa, pushing me onto it so she could lean over me, before going back to kissing me whilst I glared at her, until she put her hand back on my stomach and moved it upwards. I let out a quiet moan and I could feel the smirk she got from that, since she was still kissing me though it turned into another make out session.
"Told you that you can change within a second~" Jasmine said and kept straddling me, putting her hands behind my neck.
"I can also do it on command, you dick." I responded and rolled my eyes. She moved closer to me again and I fully thought that she was going to kiss me again, but she moved over to my ear and whispered.
"Well, I can make you do that without you wanting to~" Was what she said before she kissed me on the lips and walking off. I would've been fuming with anger, except, it was her. (Same thing goes if it was Carmella that did that, obviously.) I got off the sofa and walked up to Carmella who was infront of the entrance.
"They'll be fine, they can all kill without consequences and they won't let any animals come to harm. I taught them to be better then that." I explained since she seemed genuinely worried.
"I get that you taught Elizabeth and maybe even Jace, but how come you taught your mom?" Carmella asked.
"Tortured her mentally. Her sanity had gotten high enough so she was fine." I explained and got away from the after effects of making out with my kidnapper(s).
"Do you guys just not care what happens to each other as long as none of you die or-?" Carmella asked and turned towards me.
"Well it's complicated to explain but basically, sometimes." I answered. "Oh and by the way, you and Jasmine should probably go somewhere.. not in plain sight, Mark should be arriving soon and he has not killed. Yet. But at the very least he'd hold a knife to your throat asking where I am." I said and put my hands infront of me, holding each other.
"Why'd you go so overboard and torture him for Elizabeth who you possibly, oh who am I kidding? Probably tortured mentally to teach her more then just being careful with animals." Carmella asked.
"It's-.. I don't really care what happens to anyone, even my friends and family as long as I am doing it. I know not to kill them." I said at a normal tone in voice. "And not torture too much." I mumbled. "Automatically so I'm not worried for that, And before you ask I will not do any of that to you or Jasmine since I have a different love language for you and that's just cursing at you." I explained.
"Alright.. I'll go get Jasmine then..." Carmella said and left.

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