Chapter twenty four - demonstration

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When I woke up the next day Carmella was still sleeping. Makes sense since I apperantly attacked her whilst sleeping. Poor thing.
I got up from the bed and left the room, walking down the stairs and looking for Jasmine (who wasn't in the bed). I looked in the kitchen and there she was.
"Hey I just remembered something..-" I started as she turned around towards me and she only had a robe on, my gay ass obviously could not stand it and immediately turned around from her so i was facing the living area.
"Yeah what is it?" Jasmine asked.
"Before that guy who you killed came in.. you said that it won't help if I pretended that I knew you personally, shouldn't it have been the other way around?" I asked. (a note from the creator: this is just a dumb explanation since i went back and realized that, so live with it)
"Well that can be explained as Cary noticing something was off when you barged in, and then she forced me to say that. Easy as that." Jasmine answered and was behind me.
"Makes sense since she's the dominant one in whatever relationship you have with her.." I mumbled and got turned around quickly.
"And you're the bottom for both of us. Now don't mention me following her orders again. I hate it when people tell me what to do." Jasmine said and was leant forward, so I looked at her cleavage for a few seconds before snapping out of it and looking to the side.
"I hate the title "princess" since I've been stuck with it my whole damn life." I commented and thinking of the times they (still Carmella and Jasmine) have called me princess.
"Then why do you let us call you that?" Jasmine asked and raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know... You two don't mean it like everyone else since you say that as a nickname.." I answered.
"You really have a soft spot for us, don't you?" Jasmine commented and smirked.
"I really don't care, I am gonna head over to my house to get ready for the annoying ass event." I said and left the kitchen.
"Why are you even going if you don't want to?" Jasmine asked and followed.
"Here's the thing, they need someone to kill someone, they got everything in order to contact me before they heard of Jace returning, I don't really have a choice." I answered and walked up the stairs and headed towards Carmellas room. I opened the door and went over to the bed. She was still asleep so I gently shook her.
"Wakey wakey." I said the three times I shook her before she woke up.
"Huh? Oh, yeah what is it?" Carmella said and yawned.
"I'm heading over to my house to get ready, take your time to get ready but just so you know." I explained.
"Alrighty then." Carmella said and sat up, I closed my eyes in case she had nothing on.
"Relax, I sleep with a top, unlike Jasmine." She explained, still sleepy. I opened my eyes and walked out, no, more like waddled out of there since my body had gone stiff. I somehow got downstairs without falling and of course, just as I got to the bottom of the stairs my body lost the stiffness or whatever. Jasmine was now dressed and I knew that she put her clothes in a closet downstairs because when I was exploring the house I came across the closet with only "Jasmine" type clothes. (Jasmine and Carmella have very different fashion styles)
"She's usually hard to wake so how'd it go?" Jasmine asked.
"Hm? Well- she was quite easy to wake if I'm honest." I answered.
"You sure you don't want to change before heading to your house?" Jasmine asked (and I was still in the clothes from yesterday.
"I will be showered, pampered, have a fucking glitter bomb thrown at me, I won't change." I said and sat on the last stair.
"Geesh, alright. But will me and Carmella just be at home worrying or?-" Jasmine asked.
"Probably not since Eli has a habit of putting spying mechanics on me, I have no idea how she does it. But she just does." I explained.
"That does not explain how we won't worry." Jasmine said and leant her upper body forwards.
"She'll have you look with her in case someone sneaks up from behind." I explained and looked away. I started hearing movements towards the door of their room and seconds later Carmella was out of there and walking towards the stairs.
"Everyone ready? Good. Now don't you dare bring up earlier this morning or I'll leave you two to worry." I said and hopped up from the stairs and headed for the door.
"We weren't gonna either way but okay?" Jasmine said and walked behind me for just a few seconds before she stopped. And I heard whispers again. So I turned around and saw Jasmine flustered and Carmella grinning.
"What-" I started.
"She's fine. I just said some things." Carmella said. Still grinning, she grabbed Jasmines hand and dragged Jasmine after her whilst she had started walking.
"What sexual things did you say to her for that to happen? She froze up like I usually do." I asked.
"Don't worry about it darling." Carmella said and walked infront of me.
"I hate people.." I mumbled and started walking again.
When we arrived at my house Jasmine was still frozen so I got worried and stepped between the girls, got Jasmine out of Carmellas grip and looked at her whilst leaning her against the wall, she was just as flustered as before.
"Carmella, this time I'm serious. What the fuck did you say to her?!" I demanded.
"Nothing I haven't said before, she's as easily flustered as you so this ain't new." Carmella answered.
"Not an answer, c'mon girlie." I heard Lizzie's voice as she came up beside me and looked over my shoulder.
"Oh so that was what you said?" Eli continued her own sentence and both me and Carmella looked at her confusedly, though I quickly understood and then looked down.
"I, as a pansexual often find myself flustered. Though I don't explode into blushing like my weirdly enough, still hot sister. I do know my fair share in different blushing moments and what caused them." Eli explained.
"Why would she not still be hot?- Have I missed something?" Carmella asked. Lizzie sighed and grabbed my arm, then dislocated it.
"Jesus!" Carmella let out and I snapped the arm back into place.
"I'm technically a walking corpse, plus I lost most of my pain senses years ago so-"
"Now that that's out of the way, want me to demonstrate what happens before Vi takes her last breathe?" Eli asked and got her hands on me.
"God no, let her process the broken arm before demonstrating anything more on me." I said and got Eli on the floor with one or two movements.
"Awh. No fun today, huh?" Eli said and took the hand I reached out towards her.
"I do not understand your dynamic at all." Carmella mumbled.
"Well." Eli started and put her arm around my neck.
"Touch me one more time and I'll throw you across the hall!" I yelled and threw her arm off me.
"God, why so angry? You got your period?" Lizzie asked.
"What the fuck is happening?" Jasmine said as she finally got back to her senses.
"Oh thank god, you were starting to worry me." Carmella said as I threw my arms around Jasmine, regretting it but at the same time, a small part of me did not. The smaller part won.
"Dumbass." I said.
"Yeah yeah I know, princess." Jasmine said and let out a laugh before straightening her body which was a little crouched over since I really did not check how I leant her against the wall.

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