Chapter nineteen - meeting an old acquaintance

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"Just, remember to take it slow until you're warmed up." Lizzy said and opened the door with Carmella standing beside me.
"What would make this time so special?" I asked and got infront of my sister and saw around ten people looking like they hadn't slept for a year.
"Russian sleep experiment! That's what you were studying, dang, you seem to have succeeded." I commented and Carmella walked inside.
"Why would she wanna try that?!" Carmella asked.
"Lizzy can answer your questions." I turned towards Carmella and walked up to her.
"Stay low. I know you will want to ensure my safety but I have done this before. So my only worry is you or Eli getting hurt." I said and put a hand on her cheek.
"Bu- fine, but if you get hurt then I have a reason to baby you." She said and pouted her lips in that sad way.
"Y- you let them baby you?! What the fuck?!" Eli let out, I just shrugged and walked away from her. Almost immediately something came flying towards my head. I caught it and sighed.
"It disgusts me that people don't calculate where the best aim will be." I muttered and threw the weapon away, I didn't acknowledge it so I have no idea what it was, but I believe it was a spear of some sort.
"El will try her best to answer your questions since I will only blabber. I do have some limits and she won't answer questions over the limit." I went my way, and with "my way" I mean I went to kill some zombies, when other me appeared,
"Fucki- what now?"
"Don't be so rude, I was gonna put an illusion over ya so you could take them out calmly so you can rest a bit, but nevermind that." She answered and made me roll my eyes.
"Whatever, I don't need cheats, even though I have cheated death many times and also stared death in the eye. That was a fun game night.." I got lost and snapped back as one of the "zombies" came towards me, I moved out of the way, kicked it to the floor and smashed it's skull open with my foot.
"What did I tell you about talking to yourself!?" Eli blurted out whilst looking down at her phone.
"As if me talking to myself will scare anyone more then you winning during game night!" I said and had the next "zombie" dead and piled on the other one. I accidentally looked back at Carmella who stood with her mouth wide open and blushing fiercely, not worse then me the other night obviously. But looking at her made me loose focus and landed with my butt on the ground. Almost immediately another zombie thing came towards me. I kicked its jaw and quickly got up. I then punched through its body, obviously covering my hand in blood.
"Hey, El? Who was this?" I asked and looked down at my bloody fist.
"Huh? Oh- that was the landlords wife or whatever." She answered.
"What do you mean with "or whatever"?!" I asked and once again killed a zombie with no effort.
"The landlord was a corrupt pervert! Who says that was not a rape victim he forced to act like his wife!?" My sister answered whilst still looking at her phone, smiling.
"Huh.. hold on a damn minute! Did you ever sleep with him?" I asked and put the same bloody fist through another zombie before climbing up to the other floor that was conveniently made like a balcony, with that I mean it was a kinda thin passage with a railing.
"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. You were owned by someone for a week just cause Jace dared you." She said and finally looked up at me.
"We were playing truth or dare! I picked dare and the rest of that week is history!" I shouted back and threw another zombie over the railing. After cutting its body clean off. Five zombies down with four left (there were nine zombies).
"Alright, I am he– fuck that's a lot of blood!" Jasmine said as she announced her arrival.
"No! Really?!" I asked sarcastically and stood on the railing. Just a second later everyone except me stopped moving and Violet appeared.
"Illusion bubble!" She said and I suddenly had the (possible) spear back in my clean hand.
"For the last time! I don't need cheats!" I said and put two zombies on the spear like a barbecue.
"I don't listen to opinions, and neither do you." She responded whilst I got down from the railing.
"What was even the point in doing this?" I asked and she looked at one of the zombie corpses and then at me again.
"You think I haven't noticed the wires? Shrimpy put them in the experiments while Jace was doing I don't know and don't want to know what."
"Why is she so out to get you either way?" Violet asked me as I put the spear through a zombie approaching me and then put my hands on the end with it standing straight up.
"I don't need to tell you, that answer will come out. Eventually.. now remove this stupid bubble so I can scare my best friend." I ordered, Violet groaned, disappeared and with her disappearance the bubble got removed. I got back up on the railing, fell down and caught the ledge at the last second. As predicted, Jace came running.
"Did you sprain your ankle?" He asked as I jumped down into his arms.
"Ha! Nope! That was to see if you had been gone too long, and ya have." I answered and walked away from him, up to Carmella and Jasmine.
"What the hell was that?!" Carmella shouted at me.
"I just got here and I gotta say, did not know anyone could do that. Thought it only happened in movies." Jasmine commented.
"Liz, move to the left." I said, Eli moved to the left without looking up from her phone. As she did, a sword came flying.
"Jace, say hi to Shrimpy for me while I go shower." I said and started walking to my bedroom and up the stairs.

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