Chapter seventeen - cuddling

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"Neither did anyone, except maybe our colleagues.." I replied thinking back at their reactions when Carmella did what I told her to do.
"You weren't there for her first day?-"
"N-yes of course I fucking was! Now I wanna go back to them, so you do you and for fucks sake, keep the mindslaves under control this time!" I answered and started walking back to Jasmine and Carmella's house.
"I can't make any promises!" Lizzy shouted back at me.
I got back to the house and saw that they weren't on the first floor.
"What the hell- whatever." I went up the stairs and saw a door slightly open.
"Are they- fuck no!" I slowly opened it, getting myself ready.
"Hey.. guys...?" I asked as I opened the door fully.
"Yeah?" I heard Carmella say from another room, considering their- or her- I don't know! considering her room is the "main" one it has oughta be big. I went and put my ear against the door.
"Are you like... Naked in there?" I asked and heard two giggles.
"No, but it is our wardrobe so you just came at a good time." Jasmine answered and I don't know if that made me relieved or disappointed, but I still opened the door.
"So, what was the urgent thing?"
"And how did it get resolved so quickly?" Carmella asked the first question and Jasmine the next. They seemed.. oddly calm. Maybe to make me less nervous in front of them?
"I didn't check it out, seeing as it would probably be a waste of time. As long as no one put a bomb or is attempting to light my house on fire, I can't give two fucks." I answered.
"Why the actual fuck would anyone put a bomb in your house or try to light it on fi- that actually makes sense so nevermind." Carmella asked as she nearly ran up to me.
"My family business revolves around the "mafia" terms so of course people wanna bomb my house! Idiot." I responded and rolled my eyes.
"Family business? Jace is your brother?" Jasmine asked as she sat on a stool you often see in walk in wardrobes on tv.
"Ehh, no he is not. I, as the older sister was given the offer of being the main boss of it, I repeatedly said no, Lizzy was only ten and Jace was seventeen and basically family, so he got the job." I answered and had unknowingly snuggled up to Carmella.
"Why are you snuggling up to my god damn friend? And why at all-?" Jasmine asked, still sitting on the stool.
"Don't know, don't care, she's warm and I'm currently an emotional wreck so here's your chance." I used as an excuse to be close to them.
"Meh, works for me." Jasmine shrugged it off and walked up to me and Carmella, picking me up and carrying me to their bed.
"This is totally not excessive." I added in a sarcastic tone.
"Who says snuggling shouldn't be?" Carmella replied and sat beside me on their bed, in which Jasmine was already on and beside me.
"Okay woah, this is not snuggling! It is pleasing you blood sucking bitches and me not getting a mental breakdown!" I claimed but I was obviously loving the idea on the inside since- me being me.
"If it's your blood, then we have a excuse." Jasmine said and laid her head on my lap.
"What the fuck-"
"See it as it is, me taking advantage of the situation you allowed me to use." Jasmine responded with a sweet smile.
"Then why ain't your "friend" doing the same?" I asked and looked back at Carmella.
"No idea, I never know what she's thinking." Jasmine responded. "She's thinking about fucking one or both of us you idiot!" I thought to myself in response of that.
"Yeah, that's a lie, you know what I'm thinking most of the time." Carmella spoke up and put her arms around my stomach as well as leant her head against my shoulder.
"I swear I'll give up on life soon." I mumbled but at the same time, I started blushing again.
"Well you better bring us with you then." Jasmine said whilst dragging my hand onto her stomach.
"Yeah, okay, if that happened, would you rather die my way, probably through torture, or an improvised way by me? Fuck! Didn't mean to ask that!" That, is the result of them making me flustered.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. And to answer your question, you could choose our way of going out." Carmella said and was still leaning against my shoulder.
"Darling, when will you give us a tour of your house?" Jasmine asked and changed the subject.
"When you visit on saturday or sunday. It will be chaotic and I will bet on that." I explained and semi-regretted it when I had said the whole bet thing.
"What will we get if you're wrong
then?~" Carmella said in a low tone and stuck out her tongue, intentionally getting my shoulder wet.
"What the- Carmella!" I yelped and my whole face turned red.
"Well, if I don't have anything to look forward to, then I might aswell use the moment you gave me." She replied.
"God damn it you horny bitch!" My response annoyed me.
"Now now, don't scream during cuddling~" Jasmine chimed in and grinned.
"...Then let's make it so it benefits all three." I responded and it obviously peaked their interest.
"Be my fake girlfriends in public, that will give you the right to do whatever you want with me without my consent, except having sex with me, you gotta have consent on that. And the more personal things like- I dunno, creating a hickey, when we're alone. Sound good?" I also said that so that they can live out their dream of being in a relationship with me and I could live the same dream except I don't have to worry about rejection.
"What would you benefit from that except us no longer flirting with nothing happening?" Jasmine asked and sat up.
"Well one, I'm tired of having one night stands with people who believe that will change my path, and secondly, I can show I care for you without being bombed with questions." I answered.
"God people are stupid.. and if that'll stop you from- hey! Why can random people sleep with you but not us!? Carmella asked.
"You only or mainly want to do it for pleasure, they wanna change my path in which I no longer deserve hell since my sins are far beyond that." I explained and leant back against her hoping that would throw her off.
"True... But does killing change your destiny? Sure it's bad, illegal, but aside from that?" Jasmine said and Carmella let go of me.
"Pfft- you think killing is my only crime? No. I would say all of it but that would take half an hour." "And I wanna see how I react to sleeping in one of your arms." I said and looked back at Carmella who had definitely went into shock.

What should I do if I became famous over night?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora