Chapter twenty seven - confessions (kinda)

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"That was unusually easy-" I commented and looked at Carmella, stupid idea but oh well.
"We're obviously not going to get anywhere and that would just waste time, based on how you've been treated, you have more important things to do." Carmella replied and asked the last part as if it was a question.
"I only act like a spoiled brat because that's how everyone thinks I act." I answered and sat down.
"Though you do have multiple titles around that area." Helen commented and said it in a teasing tone.
"It's not my fault that my family is practically royalty!" I replied.
"Wrong. Your ancestor married into royalty so you technically are." Helen said back.
"Oh c'mon! That was like four generations ago! I don't want any more reminders of that stupid mistake!"
"You're royalty?-" Jasmine asked a little quietly.
"Yes." Shrimpy answered.
"No!" I said a little louder then the normal tone.
"And it was not a mistake!" Helen said back to me.
"They got married, in the dark, and they made a deal with da- i mean the devil." I rolled my eyes
"Were you about to call the devil your dad-?" Carmella asked.
"He's one of two father figures, excluding my dad because he is not answering my texts and is flying all over the world." I answered.
"No. For the last time, he died when you were twelve!" Helen interrupted.
"Yeah well he was not in the fucking casket, now was he?! Right, I was the only one with enough balls to look into the casket!" I responded and glared at Helen.
"Violet calm down. So you two have two different opinions on whether your status is good or bad, and if your dad is alive or not, don't get annoyed." Carmella basically ordered the first part.
"Too late, I'm always annoyed that noone gives a fuck that there was a empty casket at my dads so called funeral." I responded.
"Even if he was alive, how would he have faked his death for five hours since your mom was waiting, in case the little chance he has the same-..." Helen stopped herself and remembered Jasmine and Carmella were there. "Thing that you have was actually a reality, he never woke up." She continued and was bored, annoyed and worried, since we (literally everyone I am around except school) have this argument like 10 times in three days.
"Ever heard of genes!? And he was obviously downstairs, in hell, playing board games with satan and death, he told me that." I responded.
"For fucks sake. Take a no! Raphael is dead, you were just lucky e-" I cut her off.
"Fine, whatever! You were just unlucky enough to get the gift that the white haired man in heaven gave you!" Helen continued.
"It was a deal with dad and it came from the royalty marriage- if you're going to lecture me, get your facts straight! God I miss saying that to my old principal!" The last part is because i was mostly the teacher throughout middle school and high school.
"Same thing.." Helen mumbled.
"Once again, you're royalty?!" Jasmine let out.
"On paper and nothing else." I answered.
"Can't argue with old paper logic.." Helen mumbled and sat next to me.
"Still don't get any of your dynamics."
"Well you know those passive aggressive friendships? And those insult throwing but still "I won't let anyone hurt you" friendships? Well mix that with flirting just for fun and boom, the shell is cracked." I explained.
"But when she feels more like a guy she is banned from flirting with me. I will not deal with that bullshit for unnecessary reasons." I followed up.
"She's genderfluid..?" Jasmine asked
"It's mostly any gender that's not a man so I just say demigirl." Shrimpy explained.
"And thank the titan you're like that." I commented.
"How do you know literally every lgbtq person in the city?-" Carmella asked.
"I only associate with them unless I have a reason behind otherwise, it's easy." I answered.
"And her fucking people as a side mission got popular, so she got a few contacts." Helen commented.
"Well damn, if you felt like a dick you could've atleast stabbed me before being one." I said back.
"Alright, let's just not talk about that anymore.." Carmella said and took my hand so I stood up. I obviously stopped being angry like the simp I am.
"Also, why the hell ain't the screaming group back yet?" Helen asked.
"I don't know, but just savor the time without them near you, I have two hot girlfriends and their house to escape too, find your own." I commented and leaned my head on Carmella's chest, for some reason.
"Eh, I'll just steal your keys to your other houses and sleep there." Helen followed up and stood up.
"I'm going to leave you in the dust now." She said and left me.
"Motherfu- why am I friends with her.." I mumbled before realizing that I should probably back away from Carmella before anything happens, so I tried to, but she put and arm around my waist.
"Damn it.." I mumbled and started looking down.
"What are you doin-?" Jasmine asked.
"Not telling you, you'll use it against me." I answered and had Jasmine moving my head upwards with her hand, so I was looking at her. (And don't ask me when I started facing her because that is not important.) So I shut my eyes instead.
"What's it with you and avoiding eye contact with us?" Carmella asked.
"It's so I don't get as effected by your constant flirting." I replied and heard both of them sigh.
"Violet, look at me." Carmella said. I sighed and gave in since it's inevitable, so I looked up at her.
"We don't see you as an object that we can jerk off with no consequences, because I know you have thought that." Carmella said and I'm guessing she was trying to stay calm, because for most people, being told that the person you kidnapped, who you thought was a friend of yours, was swapped by some magic force then is a murderer, princess (I personally don't agree, as established), and has a father figure that is the ruler of hell. Is very surprising.
"..." I stayed quiet and tried to sneakily get out of eye contact with her.
"Nor are you discreet with hiding that you have atleast a little feelings for us." Jasmine commented.
"Where are you going with this? because if it is going towards emotional, I'm out." I asked and tried (just a tiny bit) to get out of being held by Carmella.
"Hold out." Carmella said and pushed me closer whilst tightening her grip.
"Nor does your role bother us, but we will need to get to know more later. Don't even think about getting out of this one." Carmella continued.
"Just get to the point." I said and rolled my eyes. Carmella sighed and kissed me, throwing me off guard.
"That usually makes you less interrupting.. and I was just trying to make you less worried of what we see you as." Carmella said and kept her hand on my waist.
"I don't care what others see me as!" I responded.
"Others, maybe. But as long as there are people you care about, you probably care what they think of you." Carmella said.
"And nobody can just keep emotions away, never the less just some. Either you keep from having any emotions, fear those emotions, or allow them. I've heard it all, Carmella. But I don't want to know it. The things you don't know don't end up giving you mental breakdowns." I commented and was bound to tear up soon.
"Hey, we won't force you to tell us what bothers you, but neither will we judge you for letting the things you have bottled up out." Carmella replied and stopped holding me by the waist and started hugging me.

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