Chapter thirteen - meeting

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"Lucia?!" I exclaimed.
"Baby!" Lucia said as she ran towards me.
"Lizzy what the hell is this?!" I asked as Lucia hugged me.
"We have no idea, she had just entered and was asking for you and on the topic of you, what took you so fucking long?!" Elizabeth responded.
"That is none of your business you idiot." I replied as I got out of Lucia's hug.
"I don't have the energy for this, I'm going back to Jasmine and Carmella's house." I muttered.
"Who is Jasmine and Carmella?" Lucia asked.
"The people I like? Now get out of here you cheap copy of the real Lucia." I answered.
"I forgot how straight forward you are, sis." Eli commented.
"Well duh." I responded
"Ugh, I am not leaving." The fake Lucia said.
"You don't have to, killing you is also a option." I responded as I grabbed one of our knives.
"Do we just have them laying around randomly?" I ask Elizabeth.
"Ask yourself! You're the one that makes secret passages all over town!" She replied as I realized she was back to wearing practically nothing due to her being hella comfortable in her body.
"Would you go put on some more clothes? Jasmine and Carmella can come any second. And I don't want them seeing my sister looking like a tramp." I asked.
"Mmm, no. I'll go round everyone up." She answered as she started walking away and I turned my focus to the fake Lucia.
"You sure are confident." She says.
"I would've been more if I hadn't been stuck in a house with Carmella and Jasmine for two days." I responded.
"Do you always make small talk or?-" She asked.
"When I don't know what to do, yes." I replied and then I sighed.
"I don't get why you even started this damn mission or whatever, considering no one knows what actually happened between me and Lucia other then my family. But I just left Carmella and Jasmine after promising them something so this was all useless for you, I don't appreciate people sabotaging my relationships with people I lo- care for.." I muttered the correction.
"Geez, if you like them that much then just tell them." The fake Lucia said as she took off her wig.
"Easier said then done, sure I don't show mercy and am confident on the "battle field" but I'm just a overthinking nonsense talking woman." I responded as I sat down.
"I have had my fair share within the overthinking category." The fake Lucia mumbled. "Hey, I don't expect you to see me as less of a enemy, but here's some advice. The faster you tell them, whether it succeeds or not, it is behind you, and you can get over the heartbreak faster. If it was a act, though I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to let you go, I'm not only into girls- in fact i prefer boys. But I can see that you are many peoples dream woman whether you see that yourself or not." She continued as a tranquilizer dart hit her in the neck.
"Hm, she sure was supportive." I commented standing up. "Thanks Jim." I said turning towards Jim.
"No problem Vi Vi." He responded as he got closer.
"Can you take care of her? I actually need to head back to Carmella and Jasmine before I get a panic attack or faint." I asked as he nodded.
I started leaving the institute and head back to the school. Hoping I won't get into too much trouble with them. As I arrived back at the school and entered it the first thing I saw was half of the teacher population at the school running towards me. "Does all of them like killing that much?-" I asked remembering that they are appearently my novels fans.
"What's with the rush? I'll appear much more from now on~" I said wanting to tease them. I noticed Carmella coming around a corner and sprung against her.
"Violet what the- were you guys annoying her?!" She nearly screamed.
"Pfft, you are cuter by the d- I'm going home!" I said as I felt the blushing returning I started to leave as she grabbed my arm.
"Are you going to keep escaping from us just to come back for three minutes to then be off again?" She asked pulling me closer and putting a arm around my waist.
"What the fuck Carmella! Talking is one thing but-!" I somehow managed to get out of my trance.
"But?~" She continued.
"Nothing, nothing, and I'm sorry if I made you morons think that." I said as I started focusing on something else.
"Oh I am so going to kill Jim!" I muttered getting out of Carmella's grip. "I'll be right back!" I continued as I started walking towards where the sound came from.
"Why the hell are you here?! And how did you wake up that fast-" I asked the person that followed me.
"Well, you can't expect me to just give you advice and then knock me unconscious, but I see you either got flirted with or succeeded." The fake Lucia answered in a kind of bullying or proud manner.
"What I do with the people I love is none of your fucking business you weirdo!" I said whilst feeling the glitching from earlier today just grow stronger the closer she got.
"It is very much my business considering you're doing that with my body, Vi Vi." She said as with a snap of her fingers she looked exactly like me.
"Okay what the hell is happening here-"
and how the fuck did you transform or whatever!?" I questioned as she let out a small laugh.
"You know, I was actually shocked at how fast you figured out you switching into this version of your life." She said with a calm expression.
"It's not scientific, but it was logical considering my situation, now answer my question, who are you?" I repeated as I already had figured it out.
"I'm you, well not "you" you, but the you from this universe - gah there my confidence disappeared." She sighed as she now stood right infront of me and the glitching feeling was overwhelming.
"Do you have any idea about this glitch thing or- it's been bugging me all fucking day." I complained as I put a hand on my head.
"Oh yeah- that's a side effect of the whole switching thing- so you will soon enough get a upgrade type of thing." She explained as she backed away.
"And that upgrade will be that I can go full on Vanellope Won Schweetz or some shit like that?" I said sarcastically as the "me" of this universe just looked at me.
"I will be able to fucking glitch?!" I asked amazed.
"No silly, you'll be able to teleport yourself, people, objects, but it's best if we start with just yourself. Even though you got back your own body as soon as I returned- don't overwork it anymore since you'll get my body strength." She commented putting up one finger for every thing she noted down.
"My entrances can be so much more dramatic-! Eee!" I said with my voice progressively getting more high pitch.
"I will keep an eye on you to make sure you won't crash into a wall for the beginning, also, don't tell anyone about our interactions." She explained as she disappeared and I was back in Carmella's grip.
"Are you okay? You zoned out quite seriously." Carmella asked as I turned around in confusion and noticed the confused and jealous coworkers.
"Yeah I'm okay- don't worry. Now get back to your work and I'll get the others to their classrooms also." I said, still confused.
"You've only grown more distant and weird." She said as she sighed.
"Can you blame me?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"I-I'll go find Jasmine-" She said before heading off. I turned to the coworkers of Jasmine and Carmella as they had their mouths practically on the floor.
"How do you know her?!" One of them commented
"How did you get her to leave?!" Another one asked as I was still trying to make sense of my interaction with the other Violet.
"I'm just really intimidating~ you should see me with Alex~ he's practically down on his knees every time I enter the building~" I responded. And I admit. It was over exaggerating the relationship between us but still.
"Alex as the head jury?!" Someone exclaimed.
"Uh- yes.? Was that not what I said?" I ask headed for the exit when the other me appeared, still in the Lucia clothes but without the wig.
"You have some fucking explaining to do!" I told her.
"Yeah yeah, we need to start training today Vi Vi!" She said aiming for my arm but I jumped to the side and started leaving.
"Vi Vi! Don't be so grumpy!" She shouted after me as she right after that second was infront of me.
"So you weren't lying-" I said.
"Vi Vi if we're gonna make this work you need to train so you don't go haywire all around town." She said rubbing her nose bridge.
"I will start learning when it has happened, plus I need to process my fucked up life and hold on a second- how are you here but not in my place?!" I asked her. ("place" equals body, my body.)
"Cause you have spent a day in your own body again. I returned in my body and it is going to work out just fine, I hope." She answered not seeming the least confused or how she was the first time she showed herself to me.
"Who the hell are you? You're not the Violet from here." I stated backing up.
"What do you mean?" She said forming a twisted smile whilst tilting her head like Jasmine had done in the kitchen.
"You heard me loud and clear you moron." I said still looking at her.
"Ah, insults again, what does insulting do for you? Make you feel like you have power? Make you feel less at fault of your father moving away? Or simply because you are very attentive." She said as she then disappeared and Jasmine shook me.
"Violet! Are you okay?! Who the hell were you talking too?!" She said as I looked at her.
"What- no.. don't worry, I just killed a girl earlier, must be worried for that." I lied as I headed to leave but there was Carmella looking serious and worried.
"Oooh there are you.." I mumbled as I repeatedly blinked. "The hell is she testing me for!?" I thought to myself.
"Violet if we knew you would get like this, for some reason, the day we let you come with us then we wouldn't have." She said crouching down so she was slightly under my view or whatever.
"Mmm-" I said with my mouth closed, "Stop freaking out!" I thought to myself.
"I don't need to be worried for." I paused as I felt that glitching come back. "I will be totally fine without your concern you guys." I said smiling.
" "Guys"? not "morons" or "idiots"? Are you sick?!" Jasmine asked as she pulled me back and put a hand around my waist and I let out another "mmm.."
"Violet just tell us what is wrong!" She and Carmella said.
"Wack!" I let out as I got out of Jasmine's grip and started running.
"Very smooth~" The other Violet commented as she flew right beside me with her twisted smile still on her.
"What is your problem?! You have no fucking reason to test me and now you're just making me look-" I stopped. I didn't get all my "thoughts" after my strange behavior infront of the girls.
"I know I don't but it is fun watching you be in pain." She confirmed as I looked at her and noticed a necklace, pulled it off, tossed it on the ground and stomped on it. Her smile faded back to a friendly one.
"Care to explain?" I asked putting a hand on my hip.

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