Chapter twenty - getting asked out

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"Throw that sword at me and you can say goodbye to your god damn stash." I threatened Shrimpy (her real name will be brought up).
"For fucks sake! You think you can predict all my moved just cause you taught me!" Shrimpy whined and walked out of my room.
"Did you.. look into any of my things..?" I asked.
"No, I'm out to kill you, not blackmail you like Jaces "precious" boyfriend." She answered and got a hold of my arm. I just stayed as I was.
"Why?!" She yelled, and that caused everyone except Elizabeth to come over to the stairs.
"There are many things you could want the answer t-" before I could finish my sentence she had thrown me half way down the stairs.
"I need to stop getting killed, just that took a toll on me.." I mumbled to myself and Shrimpy was infront of me.
"Why did you do it?" She asked in more detail.
"Still, can mean many things. But I suppose this is the ex situation. And my ways are kept to myself, sorry hun." I answered and she kicked me down the rest of the stairs. Violet appeared beside me and drew a circle on the ground around me with her finger. Seconds later I was up the stairs as Violet was gone..
"How'd you do that?" Shrimpy asked and was cautious in her voice tone.
"Eh- magic?" I responded and finally understood what just happened, and I understood to get up.
"Shrimpy, I promised your cousin not to let you get hurt, by me or anyone. So you won't get the satisfaction of killing me with me having put up a fight." I said and walked down the stairs up to her.
"Why are you owning up to your promise to her if you were the cause of her death?!" Shrimpy let out. I was about to answer when Violet appeared.
"I'm taking care of this." She said and floated towards me.
"No- don't-" suddenly my memories were flashing on the wall.
"What- Vi, is this you?!" Jace exclaimed and that caused Shrimpy to turn towards him, I grabbed her sword and sighed.
"That is me after one week of my "getting tortured" streaks." I explained as Violet stopped on the memory where Lucia died.
"No no no no no!" I thought to myself and on reflex I threw the sword at Violets head. She yelped and then disappeared. The memory also disappeared, but I got a massive pain in my head.
"Ow! God! Damnit!.." I was quickly loosing energy so I drew a circle on the floor with my foot and somehow managed to get myself where I planned, leaning against Carmella.
"You're- you're bleeding through your ears!" She exclaimed in choir to Jasmine.
"Would you two stop screaming..? I got a massive headache sudd...suddenly.." And then I blacked out. When I woke up I was in my other bed (since only Shrimpy is allowed in my real room).
"What the hell- what happened?" I asked as I sat up, got off the bed and was wobbly but I quickly got back balance and headed towards the door.
Not even three steps outside i was swarmed by all five people.
"Vi! What the hell happened?!" Jace and Shrimpy said at the same time.
"How did that even happen?!" Jasmine asked.
"Are you okay?" Carmella asked (calmer than the others but as expected, still worried).
"Everyone! Get the hell away from her! You know she's weaker from internal damages nowadays!" Eli commanded, Shrimpy and Jace backed away immediately whilst Carmella and Jasmine took a few seconds before also backing up.
"First question, how. the. actual. HELL. did. you. teleport?!" Elizabeth asked and clapped her hands after every word. I let out a laugh and looked at her worried face.
"Like I said. Magic. There's plenty of it in me. How do you think I did not die permanently when I was drowned by Jace?" I replied, I knew how Jace would react every time I brought that up, he would scratch his neck and look away from me.
"What is it with everyone around you wanting to kill you?!" Carmella let out.
"Well one, Jace was seven and I was five, so how would he know? And two, my dear Shrimpy is just overcome with rage so I'm her punching bag." I answered and looked at Shrimpy who glared at me.
"My god! I was eight! Let that nickname go!" She yelled at me.
"But you're my wittle Shwimpy~" I teased.
"I swear to whatever sanity you have left that I will bash your head against the wall if you call me that one more time when I'm around!" She replied and I laughed again.
"Alright, alright you're Helen again." I surrendered and was still laughing.
"Thank you! God! Oh- and, blackmailing boyfriend's colleague is here to either "propose" or "ask you out"." She explained and turned Carmella and Jasmines heads against her. They started throwing questions at her while I sighed and went for the door where, as Helen said, Alex's colleague was.
"Vi Vi Emerald I am here to ask you out." He said.
"Is this way not a bit.. embarrassing for you?" I asked and grabbed the bouquet of flowers he came with.
"Oh hell yeah! But I don't have a choice." The boy answered as I took out the box from the flowers and tossed the bouquet back in his arms.
"That's what I'm saying, don't work for Alex." And with that, I shut the door in his face.
"Let's see what that scumbag wants now.." I opened the box and read the note in it.
"GOD DAMNIT!" I shouted and everyone came running except Helen who jogged And Liz who came walking with her nose in her phone again.
"What h- what does that moron want now?" Shrimpy asked and crossed her arms.
"That is not your business, now is it?" I replied and walked over to Lizzy.
"You're gonna like this one. Go grab your gowns." I said in her ear and she sprung out and into her room faster than lightning.
"What type would you need? Open, train, one that is mega floof, short, long, any colour scheme?" Elizabeth shouted from her room.

also, i know it's VERY late, but Vi Vi is pronounced vai vai, like Violet is pronounced vaiolet

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