Chapter ten - discussions

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As I left off, Jasmine and Carmella were now discussing- something-.. but I took the chance and tried to calm myself down. Being seduced by your crushes whilst being unsure if they actually like you back because you're an overthinker is torture.
"If that's the case then." Jasmine said as Carmella walked up to me. "Not again." I thought to myself.
"How well do you know the school and it's rooms?" Carmella asked.
"Give me a starting point and a location and you'll have a solid answer in two seconds flat." I responded getting my confidence back (a TINY bit)
"For someone who can't fucking breathe properly with us within ten feet you sure are cocky. How good are you at killing?" Jasmine said with admiration in her voice as she got sidetracked.
"Would you fuck off for one second Jasmine?!" I responded with anger back in my voice, I think it was 'cause she had been clinging onto me and I had had no time with Carmella.
"Well haven't seen that for a few hours what do I owe the pleasure to have you throw a tantrum again?~" Jasmine said looking at me with a interested smile.
"Just leave already!" I hissed at her now realizing what was happening, my worries had gotten to my heart and my wall around it was being built after so many years of it not being anywhere near breaking down, Jasmine and Carmella had succeeded in less then twentyfour hours.
"I think it's best we both leave her alone, Jasmine." Carmella said walking towards Jasmine again.
"If she really is that scared of us then she is more scared of you then me, this happens when you get near her~" Jasmine said leaving the kitchen with Carmella right behind her and as soon as both of them were out of sight i collapsed on the floor.
"Damn me! Why couldn't I just have stuck to my regular reactions on everything!? Why can't I be unbothered when it comes to them?! Why do I let my guard down around them just because I fell for them?!" I thought to myself slowly starting to tear up. I exhaled, got up and wiped away my tears. Fifteen minutes later I was in my room when I heard a loud "bang" (from a door being violently opened and thrown against a wall) and stuck my head out from my room.
"Fuck." I mumbled since I saw Elizabeth for some reason.
"Where is Vi Vi then? You called me for a reason, also, give her back her damn phone, she has missed fifteen fucking meetings." Elizabeth said. I left my room and walked up to her.
"Here I am, now don't even think about using my technique to find my room. I can take care of myself it was just... An unwanted thought that started haunting me again, I am well aware that I am late for many more meetings then fifteen." I said with my arms crossed.
"Oh shit- is it the thought?" Elizabeth asked knowing I hated having these kind of feelings.
"Yep, they tore down the wall and it's back up, now please just leave, and leave the glasses here and I might go to the HQ when I can without them following me." I explained.
"You know, they can come with you, it's not like it's strictly forbidden to enter without being "one of us"." Elizabeth mumbled.
"And have their lifes risked? Hell no, now just leave." I ordered with my arms still crossed.
"Whatever, ah right, by the way, I will not have this style next time you see me~" Elizabeth said as she walked out of the house and I sighed while I started to go up the stairs.
"Hold up," Carmella started and I turned my head around on reflex. "We understood about seven precent about what you just said." She continued.
"What a shocker!" I said sarcastically. "But no, there's a reason you don't understand and I won't teach you, I am not even a teacher at the moment so good luck." I turned my head around and started walking up the stairs again.
"Can you be ready by seven am tomorrow?" Jasmine said.
"I would already be at school on a usual day so that won't be a problem. But why do you need me?" I asked.
"We need a tour guide, I'm getting my first class and Jasmine has her longest day yet." Carmella explained.
"So I'll just be a tour guide?" I asked turning around and putting my elbows on the stairs railing.
"Well you'll get away from us for a few hours.." Jasmine said as she finally spoke.
"I'm sold, cya later." I said as I walked into my room and closed the door.
"Or not." I continued and sat down on my bed. "I still fucking like them, GAH, but at least I won't get as hurt if it was just..." I swallowed. "A game for them..." I got under the covers of the bed and sighed.
"It isn't even sure that they are playing with me but I'm still stressing myself out. Classical Violet.." I mumbled as the two sides of my subconsciousness started talking. "Damn it! If only this whole thing never happened! But then I would've never been able to relax. Fuck!" I thought to myself. "Just calm down you lesbian piece of crap. It will be okay." I continued as I heard Carmella and Jasmine's footsteps come inside.
"Alright, what the hell is up with you? Sure you have been weird but this is a whole new level." Jasmine said as I felt them sit down beside me.
"Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine. Don't worry, I'm okay. Now leave." I covered my mouth as soon as the words left my mouth. "You're being a brat. Do you seriously think they're gonna love you if you keep this up?!" Was the only thing i could hear clearly within all my thoughts which made me regret my choice of words so badly and I-.. I honestly still regret not stopping them, but what's done is don- and i frickin' did it again! Shoot!
"Violet, we know we got off with a bad start but you are actually important to us, whether it's you or the Violet of this universe." Jasmine said in a calm but still worried voice. I exhaled and sat up, turning around towards them.
"Violet, have you cried?!" Jasmine exclaimed.
"One, that would be stupid. And two, what would make me cry? I haven't cried for months and until our "interaction" so to call it, a day ago, I hadn't even felt sad." I replied.
"Geez, Violet you need to loosen up a little." Jasmine said lying down beside me. Little did she know that I have risked my life multiple times and been close to death.
"Trust me, I have and it's not something I should be proud of, but I am." I said to her, crossing my legs.
"Well we wanna know how your life normally was in your universe or whatever." Jasmine said mumbling "whatever" with a tone of annoyance.
"Eh- it's really nothing special, while i am richer then you two are in my universe to, I focus mostly on work." I replied trying to hide the fact that I lived a life full of suspense (other then teaching and everyone knew about it at work so Crystal is just stupid.)
"Oh really now? Well we did our research and your family owns the manor in the town in this universe." Carmella said.
"I also own it in my universe, where are you going with this?" I asked getting off the bed and walking to the wardrobe thing, I never got to know what word you say it is-.
"We figured we were fast forward and approached you surprisingly." Jasmine said.
"No shit Sherlock! You morons just swooped away from your duties and then you made me breathe in too much sedative!" I exclaimed. "It's nothing new for me to be brought somewhere unwillingly so the thing I'm mostly pissed at is the fact that you just left your fucking duties!" I continued.
"Oh gosh, Violet I am so sorry!" Carmella said.
"How the hell do you notice that-" Jasmine said being confused.
"The only reason it was hard for me to get my words out was cause I was still half asleep. My body hadn't fully woken up yet, and you said a few hours had past, correct?" I asked as I turned towards Carmella.
"Yeah, maybe like five hours?" Carmella answered.
"With that time I would've normally woken up and analysed my surroundings. Though I am often just dragged home for some dumb meeting with the city officials. Bleh..." I said.
"Why do you have meetings with the city officials?!" Jasmine and Carmella asked shocked.
"Okay one. Stop screaming, and two. I own the buildings? Plus some agreement that prevents me from going to jail considering the first and second degree murders on my criminal record." I said calmly.
"You own the fucking buildings?!" They exclaimed.
"Yeah? And I have asked my sister some questions and that leads me to belive our universes are similar to 98 percent, minus the work and something I haven't de-coded yet." I answered.
"Holy shit." Carmella said while Jasmine just couldn't talk anymore due to shock.
"You- you didn't know this?" I asked.
"We just saw you entering the manor!" Carmella said still processing it.

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