Chapter thirty five - another explanation

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"And what's that?" Carmella asked as she looked over my shoulder.
"It takes a few days for that too work... She started working on that yesterday morning.."
"Ah, that detail.. well, maybe there's more to the "amnesia" then you think." She responded.
"And I'm guessing mom said not to tell me." I responded and kept working on the food.
"So, who's that for?" Carmella asked.
"I'm not making Jasmines favorite food, now am I? Besides, I am not hungry." I answered.
"Alright, what's with you and knowing information? I heard from Jasmine that you knew her surname, that she doesn't even use anymore." Carmella asked and I sighed.
"It's not that complicated. I just learn about the people I come in contact with. And I maybe have a file about you, due to your close relationship to Jasmine." I answered.
"Of course you do.." Carmella mumbled and hugged me from behind.
"Guessing this isn't what we normally do on a daily basis?"
"You guessed correct. But you just feel warmer, even though you're less used to us, or well, me at all." Carmella explained and put her head on my head.
"Now you're just flexing your height." I muttered.
"Is the psycho killer angwy that someone's taller then her?~" Carmella asked teasingly.
"You bet your ass I am."
"There's nothing you can do about that, now is there, darling?~" She still had that tone, I put the pan aside and turned towards her, she looked at me confused.
"Sure there is." I replied and got her down on her knees, she took a few seconds to process it before starting to blush. I chuckled at her flustered face.
"Problem fixed~" I said and went back to focusing on the pan.
"You little shit..." Carmella muttered and got up a few seconds after that.
"Ah well, not everyone can be a winner, sweetheart." I responded.
"And half the time you overwork yourself, even if you become the loser." Jace said as he had entered the kitchen.
"Says the one dating the bitch that blackmailed me." I said in response.
"You only hate him because he's the only one that has left you the loser and you never got to make any of us others the winner either without you letting him." Jace continued and crossed his arms whilst Carmella just looked at me.
"Just admit that someone defeated you without you letting them." He continued.
"Puh-lease, it's not over until I say so." I replied and rolled my eyes.
"And when is that? When you win or when I win? Because I win when you accept my boyfriend." Jace asked.
"None of your business. Nobody asks you to return! You just show up out of nowhere, spend our money, stay a few days and then you're off again, it has been repeating itself for four fucking years you asshole." I answered. He started looking hurt.
"Lizzy asks me to return.."
"That's just because she needs someone to talk to! Mom stays even less time then you do and I am passed out half the time! I don't care what Alex does to make me sad. I care that he took you away from me and home came my sister full of bruises! You only had the ones on your neck because he's a horny asshole that liked you already." I let out and Carmella grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her, I was still looking at Jace.
"Calm down." She whispered in my ear. It took me a few seconds but I actually calmed down. I turned towards her and hugged her. I knew she was smiling when she hugged me back.
"There we go. I don't like seeing you distressed." Carmella said and I got out from the hug.
"And I don't like physical touch so you better feel special." I said under my breath as my tsundere side was coming back out.
"I'm on cloud nine as long as you're close to me. Don't worry." She answered with her voice being calm.
"Hmph." I said and put my arms around her neck, Jace left in case it got intimate.
"Great.. we're going back to this..." Carmella mumbled and I chuckled again.
"Guess I'm less submissive now than before?~" She nodded her head in response to that and I took my arms away from her neck, and went back to focusing on making sure the food didn't burn.
"God, you're such a tease now." Carmella said, and I don't know if she liked or hated it.
"Half of the time my job makes me seduce rich assholes so I can get them alone, depending on my mood, I sometimes just kill them publicly. Anyhow. Of course I know how to flirt." I said and went back to the pantry, grabbing bread and went back to the stove, finishing Carmellas food.
"Sure you ain't hungry?" She asked and picked up the plate.
"Yeah. I overwork, I don't starve myself." I answered and walked over to a cabinet and took a sphere lollipop, popping it in my mouth after adding a few spices to it.
"Who the fuck puts pepper on a lollipop?-" Carmella asked.
"I wanna test my limits, that's all. The dining room is on the right." I told her and she went right, I walked after her and sat beside her on the table as we started talking about random crap again. After a while Jasmine came into the room, she was still a little tired after probably looking for us a little while.
"How the fuck do you remember where every room is?" She asked and brushed some sand out of her eyes.
"I've been bossing people around since I was five, I had to learn the rooms in case mom or dad needed me to go to someone with a message." I answered.
"While we're on that topic.. why did you start that early on?" Carmella asked.
"Mom and dad got too busy for me. So, they also stopped having time to take care of killing people and yada yada. I didn't start killing until I was ten, since I forced my parents to teach me after I got bored doing the same thing over and over again." I answered.

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