Chapter fifteen - stuck

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"And why should that be something to get all "eee!" over?" I asked, still dodging the objects that kept growing into more and more.
"You were the one wanting to make your entrances "more dramatic" so I get to be happy!" She answered and I just rolled my eyes whilst doing- you can let your imagination take control of that.
"Vi Vi!" I heard Eli scream. And moments later the objects stopped flying at me.
"What is it?" I asked and walked towards her.
"One, stop talking to yourself, you're freaking everyone out, and two, Jace is on his way back." She responded and looked around me and stayed with her eyes on Violet.
"Let me get this fucking str- sorted out. You paused my training, knowing I haven't been able to do that for two and a half days, to tell me Jace is returning?! He can go fuck his boyfriend! And he'll probably do that before coming here-." I asked and glared at my sister.
"When you say it like that, I will go drag your new "girlfriends" over here so you definitely won't work your ass off." Elizabeth replied and just glared back at me.
"Alright, alright! I won't work! As hard..." I mumbled the last part.
"Wow- that was easy." She responded and looked shocked.
"Don't get overzealous. I'm worried you'll explode if you keep it up, "dear" sister." I rolled my eyes and headed back to the beam.
"Oh yeah- how the fuck did you meet that new girl?" Elizabeth asked me from behind and the new girl was Carmella.
"I- not important.." I answered and I heard Lizzy leave.
"Smooth~" Violet teased and I just rolled my eyes (again) and got up on the beam.
"Still don't see the weirdness of our situation?" I asked and did some random difficult gymnastic thing.
"A little. But definitely not as much as you." Violet answered.
"You- whatever, now. A question that I have been beating myself up over. Have. you. been. working. in. my place?!" I asked Violet and she smiled in response.
"Vi Vi, if I didn't do my research or atleast try and get the right information, in my case. Seven different people would have moved away from their destiny, thus, causing a gap in several time lines." She explained like it was nothing.
"What are you?-" I asked and stared at her whilst still moving around.
"A- I don't wanna tell you yet." She answered and disappeared.
"We're the same person- whatever." The rest of the training was quite boring and I don't wanna mention that- so- around seven pm I was in my room, bored and then I heard a thump.
"What the-" I walked out of my room and looked around only to see one of the other institute people- what the heck would you call them?- anyhow! They had fallen down the stairs.
"How the fuck- why did you- I give up, I'm sneaking into Carmella's house." I said and got down the stairs.
"I tried running up the stairs but my foot slipped-" They answered.
"Those stairs specifically lead to my room, and you know that few people are allowed there. So what did you wanna ask?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.
"If you have-... if you have fallen in love again, last time it was a catastrophe." They answered.
"Lucia's death is not something you should bring up as oftenly as it gets brought up. Either way, why couldn't you just- shout my name or something? Anything is better then what you chose." I stated and sighed.
"Too late to ask now since I'm leaving." I followed up my own meaning and left.
"Why are you walking back to that trap? You're a ticking blush bomb!" Violet asked as she had reappeared with her Lucia wig back on.
"A better question, why the fuck did you dress up as Lucia? Out of everyone. Why my dead ex?" I asked whilst continuing my walk.
"I- I couldn't quite figure out her death. So I figured you'd blurt it out. I was wrong." She answered and I sighed again.
"I am going back there to get some sleep. And a mood boost. I have said it once so this won't be the first time. Somehow their presence make me calm or whatever, long explanation short, I don't find it hard to sleep or be generally happier then usual." I answered her question and had arrived at the school.
"We can switch back temporarily, you technically love the girls of your universe also." Violet offered as I had caught myself staring.
"No, it's fine. But speaking of- did you give Gerold the extra work he asked for?" I asked Violet and she looked caught off guard.
"Knew I was forgetting something!"
"How did you not get reminded?! He's my student!"
"He dosen't like putting more burdens on you?-" Violet guessed.
"That does fit for his personality though-" I responded and Violet was gone, and I was suddenly at Jasmine and Carmella's doorstep.
"Fuck you." I mumbled and opened the door. The first thing I saw was Jasmine pinned to a wall by Carmella. "Good to know they don't completely hate eachother." I thought to myself and quickly but as quietly as I could closed the front door. I got into the kitchen and poked my head out. That was my first time seeing them be affectionate to eachother and not me.
"You bitch." Jasmine muttered.
"You know what they say." Carmella responded and slightly tilted her head so her view was on Jasmine's neck. "Shit- I'm going to nosebleed just by seeing it start happening.." I thought to myself as Carmella had gotten her head against Jasmine's neck and fully pinned her towards the wall with Carmella's thigh between Jasmines legs and she had moved Jasmine's hands above her head, like when I first woke up here.
"What are you- jesus fucki!- mnnn!" Jasmine started and I felt a frown and the nosebleed creeping up.
"Carmella! What are you do- ngh! -ing?!" Jasmine got out and I think it caused Carmella to look up at her.
"Nothing we haven't done before~" She answered and started making out with Jasmine. I turned to look at the sink.
"Why does that feel so weird watching?!" I asked myself and Violet appeared.
"I fixed my mistake! Why are you-" She started and I gestured towards the living room (in which my love interests were now sucking each other).
"Jesus christ!" Violet said as she was done looking at them.
"I know." I mumbled and instantly got back to watching them in case they had heard that. Luckily, they hadn't.
"Alright, let's give you a small breather. I'm gonna go make some supper." Carmella said and started walking over here, I had already gotten my head out of her view but I was still trapped in there.
"Well- technically you can teleport out of here but I can't help ya anymore- so- bye!" Violet confessed and disappeared.
"Why was that abandonment exactly what I do to my health?- Eh, she is me after all." I thought to myself and then started panicking mildly.

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