Chapter twenty nine - something new

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I was smiling when I was talking to Carmella because- Carmella, but as soon as she left, I frowned.
"He's just lucky it was better he came late this time..." I mumbled. Three minutes after I saw Carmella and Jasmine enter another room, Mark came inside through a window.
"Alright, what was so important yet you had to reschedule seven fucking times?" He asked and walked infront of me.
"Why'd you even come if you will just point out me failing a task the first thing you do?" I asked and just seeing him made me annoyed.
"Oh I don't know? Maybe because I don't want to annoy the woman with the most power in the city more?!" Mark answered sarcastically.
"Alright, but I wanted to show you the new thing we installed in the ceiling since- you seem so "interested" in us." I responded and he looked up.
"It looks like your normal ceiling." He commented.
"Well, then you're hallucinating, because I see space when I look up, who knows? Maybe I have actually gotten to you?~" I said the last part mockingly, and even without that tone he would've been furious.
"Shut up! You have not gotten to me! You are just lying about the ceiling." He replied and almost covered his ears.
"Why would I lie? You can't take a obvious hint, so why would I make you understand less?" I answered.
"You're not getting what you want." Mark said and stared at me.
"I don't want shit to do with you, I just promised dad a soul that disrespected his family. Which is you." I answered and put my head on his shoulder while smiling.
"Feel that coldness? I think you're close to dying~" I said, and he flinched.
"I don't feel any coldness. And I won't die on your terms!" Mark responded but shockingly enough, never tried to get me off his shoulder.
"You're not, I never made the methods I have used in the past on you, I just continued using them, and it wasn't even my idea." I replied and got off his shoulder. Since he was getting more unstable the more I talked, but that's my goal.
"That doesn't even make any sense.." Mark mumbled.
"Eh, life doesn't make sense. It's just about collecting people for your funeral, too bad no one will attend yours, might as well reunite you with your family~" I said, causing Mark to move away from me and cover his ears.
"Shut up! I am not dying!" He screamed and I just rolled my eyes.
"The fact that you're already cowering just shows that you're on the verge of insanity, when you reach that, you're useless and you'll just be killed. Face it, I've won again.~" I said and emphasized on the "again", (and why I didnt write it in this is because it was not that emphasized)
"No you have not!" He responded and tried to keep my words from affecting him, with his sanity that low, the thing that effects you most bounces through one ear to the other on repeat, I've went through it multiple times. So now I had done enough, and I could technically sit back but no, not happening.
"I obviously have, what's it with boys and denying the obvious truth even when it's right in front of them?" I asked and looked at his freaked out face, feeling pleased with myself. But he started ignoring me so I rolled my eyes again and waited for it to be done so I could just kill him. Like seven minutes later he stopped looking freaked out and his eyes looked empty.
"Huh, lasted longer then I thought." I commented and started walking over to the door Carmella and Jasmine went into. The door was half open. "Ugh, I'm going to be in a world of questions." I thought to myself and almost stopped walking.
"Where did the pet gang go-?" I asked and then shrugged. "Probably still alive and that's what matters." I continued. I opened the door fully and unsurprisingly, the first thing you saw when you entered, was the girls.
"Ap ap ap! Before you say anything. I went soft on him, I'm actually starting to get attached to the asshole." I raised my finger for the "ap ap ap" bit.
"Well no shit. You're nowhere near that! You're horrifying when you're trying to be." Carmella commented.
"Thank you! That's what I'm going for!" I responded and genuinely smiled. I finally heard the door open and peaked outside, shivering when I saw that Eli and mom both had a snake on their necks.
"What-" Carmella started and looked out the door, and then said what literally everyone else says when they see me react to any reptile.
"Are you afraid of snakes?"
"No, I just hate reptiles and want all of them dead." I responded and was leaning against the wall right beside the door.
"You're scared~" Carmella teased and she was moving her hand towards me so on instinct I grabbed her wrist.
"The only thing I fear, is losing the ones I love, shut the fuck up or I'll twist your neck." I threatened and was giving her a death glare the whole sentence, but I immediately stopped staring when I was done.
"Shit- sorry I just go on instinct when someone teases me for that." I said and let go of her wrist, embarrassed as hell.
"So you admit?~" Jasmine chimed in as Carmella rubbed her wrist a little.
"Nope." I replied and closed my eyes.
"Well what now?" Carmella asked
"Nothing, I just got a pounding headache." I answered.
"When did you get it?" Jasmine asked.
"I don't know, like two minutes ago or something." I responded and felt a little pain in my back, but that would be impossible, it would take the death sentence by electricity to get me to feel any (physical) pain. But before they could ask more, my mom came in, and thank god, she had taken off the snake.
"We found a fennec fox." My mom explained and i opened my eyes and looked at her.
" "Found" and not "bought"? Mom what the hell have I said about that? No stealing animals! I don't give two shits if you steal anything else. Mom just looked at me and took my wrist, pulling me in.
"What the flying hell-?" I asked, obviously confused.

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